Wind at 270 / 35Kts on 25 = Headwind of 33Kt and 12Kt X-wind from the right.
at 270 / 25Kts on 25 = headwind of 23 Kts and 9 Kt X-wind ( still from the right )
Bruce, maybe get your Arduino mate to set up an IR sensor to read the lower level through the tank or an ultrasonic to read from the top as a contents gauge. ............just thinking
Spent some time over xmas on the GoldCoast,...... SuperCheapAuto in Burliegh(spp) had a wall full of impressive hosing including wire reinforced.
Very impressed with the range and selection , good prices too.
G'day David, Clare Valley , top class about 40 Km from the Burra or north at Jamestown about the same .
There' plenty of farm strips in the area but YCVA is the top choice, excellent facilities , no fees.
Frank ,
get a few "bag-in-a-box" bladders........inflate and hang on string from the flying wires.
They reflect and move in a breeze and the birds don't like it at all .