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Everything posted by cherk

  1. G'day D' , and welcome...........it's Ok ......my first solo in 1974 , had a 'training' wheel and had one ever since !
  2. how many fo you need Lyndon ? I'm away for a couple of weeks .....if your not in a hurry!
  3. Just found this little gem in the "rules" for voting......... ( my underline) Can I also include any other material in the ballot paper envelope? No. Ballot paper envelopes will not be opened until 1 September 2016. If you include any additional material, you run the risk of your membership lapsing or your aircraft losing current registration. Additionally, your vote won't count.
  4. Aye,Aye, the red cross usually means no GPS attached (from a poor memory). The maps can be downloaded from the Iti site and the instructions are clearly provided ; involves removal of the 'old' data files and reloading the new onto the CF card (via a CF card reader). Usually a warning message comes up on bootup regarding the date of maps. The Italian people are most helpful via eMail. ( in my experience). The killer is the newer data requires a larger CF card from the original 512 mB.
  5. Kasper , WE NEED YOU !!
  6. 1974.......on base to rwy 17right , Moorabin, SI yells 'MY AIRCRAFT' , proceeds to aim straight at Princess of Tasmania on the near horizon ( Pt Phillip Bay), suddenly making ack, ack ,ack sounds , released about 1000 rounds in about 10 seconds, and then 'Your Aircraft' ............OK , turn final and plant a greaser , thankyou ! ( no headsets in those days , either)
  7. Marty, I think that's the point.........look at the elevator !!
  8. my computer must be stuffed again...........it shows up as turquoise on white !! Nice looker all the same.
  9. This came up quite some time ago.....maybe last year(s) and it was an attempt by the pilots to SAVE the tow planes as they were about to get SMASHED . Bloody dangerous....but it worked !
  10. Prophetic ! ( sounds like my relationship with the ex-wife , until woke up)
  11. The green bit on the bottom is the grass and the blue bit on the top is the sky !
  12. If the phone and tablet both run the same OS , then you could then link to each via bluies teeth .
  13. Good onya Tim , the B.B looks good and mean too.
  14. personal preference only FWIW .........petroleum jelly.(Vaseline)
  15. {..............................................................................................................}
  16. yes it will work but you introduce an error in the cold junction circuit and the possible variable of oxidation of the rotary switch. not sure about using SSR's as they are not a physical connector. The question about 3.3/5 volt ........the Arduino board is a 5v device...the 4 channel breakout board is a 3.3 v device .....there is on the board the possibility of making it 5v with a solder bridging circuit which must be configured { soldered } to make them compatible. The sketch you provided compiles OK and as you've said works ...........no problem therefore ; its more likely a hardware issue , rather than a coding one. Debugging the circuit is a lot easier if you have serial monitor routine to show up any fault conditions as the libraries provide. I suggest you get Bruce to check the supply condition {3.3/5v} on the breakout board , and again as previously noted try bridging either or all of the TC 's together without the water test .
  17. Who is digressing...............I think we would care to know if there is a mismatch in the hardware side from the MAX breakout and the Arduino. You wanted the help .....NO ??
  18. I think the board they're using is solder selectable. {3/5v}
  19. and I always thought that it was bi-sexual
  20. what happens if you touch { join electricly } all four or pairs .....not in water ???
  21. Bruce ........if you send me via PM a copy of your 'ino sketch' ill have a look thru it....if you wish. I'm not an expert but it should be straight forword enough !
  22. Or this .........
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