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Everything posted by cherk

  1. I wish ! Now at the Gold Coast , bit of shock from -15 c..
  2. Hope you get a good turn out................I cant get there ...this time ! Im in transit at Singapore atm from Oslo to Brisbane .....wecom to the Warm again !
  3. Greetings forumites, I will be away for a month from today , wishing you all a very happy and safe ; MERRY CHRISTMAS. [ for all that celebrate the occasion that is ]
  4. OK thanks Mark, just wondered if there was any ID on the board. The 4D ones look good too ......bit on the pricey side though.
  5. OoohK, thanks Jim. Yes that's the one Bruce , flying out of Clare Valley now that YFFl is resumed to the woolly jumpers and cropping. Catch up some time in the new year .
  6. Hey Kyle, nice OLED, whos' is that.?......I been using the Freetronic one ....that one looks better size wise.
  7. Bruce, I've had a play , some time ago with this and it seems feasable. Mine was only 2 channels and I did play with a MUX for the thermocouple amps , but I had other things to get on with, so only ever got to the point of proving (satisfactorily the principles ) rather than hard prototyping. There are many options re thermocouples which are a lot cheaper and the thermo. amps include cold junction references making it pretty straight forward. I'm in a bit of a spin at the moment (time wise) but I see if I can drag out what I have to refresh the grey matter.
  8. Now I think you've hit the nail on the head!
  9. Who mentioned the universe?
  10. with respect as I have only speculation..............that as the elevator is quite neutral and the trim tab is fully Up , that as an attempt to get a hopeful measure of up elevation on very jambed elevator ?? Or am I being fanciful .
  11. Gee with an adress like that you shouldn't be 'thirsty'. I find 800grit paper cleans up the oxide well enough to re-tin the wire. Pleased to help out................regards Ian
  12. Where are you based? Ican give you 2 or 3 pair old stock...............needs cleaning oxide off the wire and re-tinning ie: soldering the ends.
  13. May I suggest the CH750 may be more suitable......chuck in a subaru EJ22 with 130 ponies.....
  14. So where did the Sting go in this thread ??
  15. Look up CORTEC, much more user friendly, recommended by ZENITH........Alan Barton in Bendigo probably has stock.
  16. russian made"...........
  17. yeah paul took it........!
  18. Unfortunately........The ULTIMATE experience .
  19. pretty small prop for a geardive Rotax..............looks more like direct drive ?? ( Jabahoo??)
  20. Illiteracy is a bigger problem.......
  21. yeah it's well hidden, try log in then members portal/current and back issues/ sport pilot
  22. I've had a peek several times now and I have trouble seeing much rudder input.......... Certainly GO AROUND would be the correct call..........no matter the $$$; cheaper in the END !
  23. Mike..........is that meant to be 126.7 ??
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