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Everything posted by 503

  1. I’m in Perth and have parts if you need There is a wapoweredparachute Facebook
  2. The ppc's only does about 65 kmh,so turns on a dime,and the Aerochute has the best safety history I can find. What is it about this form of flying that makes this type so misunderstood?
  3. Who is going and is worthy of a trip interstate
  4. Excitor Ppc trike has factory fitted and good at 100 feet (90%sure)
  5. I had a moment of second thoughts this morning, but glad for the wa coast flight today if a bit smoky, there is no reason not to have a great relaxing flight , these things tend to make me have a second look at what I'm doing ,and it is worth it
  6. Wanted down at any cost?
  7. Powered parachutes dont fit also,my random audit was not mandatory and mentioned it was about increasing max weight above 600kg...???
  8. Hirth 3503 injected oil and fuel ,luv it
  9. Powered parachutes may be something you can still enjoy.lots flying out your way
  10. Have ordered some parts,Geoff is great to talk and deal with, And i am happy with my 3503 fuel injected 70 hP engine
  11. Microlight or Powered parachute,not fast though
  12. Ppc only
  13. Fee decrease
  14. Sounds like a old car,spend $100000, still worth $30000.
  15. Sounds like a old car,spend $100000, still worth $30000.
  16. sad for the family sure,rules?the guy was living his dream to to full,sure a reminder of what can be,it's up to only us how much risk ,rules are for sheep,I am me,I'll make my own choices thanks ,while trying not to muck it up for others in the future ,if there is such a thing ,30 years on 90% of us will be dead as will be rec flying
  17. As sad as this is ,once flying low and slow as many have and I do in ppc..low and fast ,not checking out area first is a gamble that will Not end well,better than 100 other ways to end your life,RIP Carl ,true flying to the last 10 seconds,i would rather fly and die than never fly
  18. So did it cost him more without having the rego/certificate ?
  19. Lucky for him he's still getting older.
  20. I'd be happy with a one seat 103 ppc ,cheep and safe,no more rego yes please
  21. The difference seems to be that one is much safer than the other
  22. Was that dazza?
  23. Lead story on 7 Perth ,I didn't know there was 10,000 trikes
  24. Why are ppg not with Raa as they drop out of the sky as much as 3 axis and kill just as many
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