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Everything posted by 503

  1. There are many videos from this guy , awesome stuff
  2. Must be time to add a car or truck type horn to all light aircraft
  3. What no headsets?
  4. What's the problem with extra weight ,isn't a 172 a landomatic and easier
  5. 1 has 75% burns hope for the best there is a wife and kids
  6. Unless ,there given the mandatory pax brief
  7. We'll put ballpoint ,I did get away with teaching myself to fly a hang glider many many years ago ,not recommending it though
  8. In the beginning there was no instructors and some made it ,so no you don't need an instructor at all
  9. Is this where a powered parachute would be best as it's slow and there is only one airspeed (can't stall)
  10. Others should give this a go ,low and slow relaxing time out while still flying
  11. Great video,missed this fly in this year won't miss the next one,the group is getting bigger all the time
  12. My first ga instructor never let me really learn until I spent to much $$ if I could go back and with the right person shown me what the effect of controls really is it would have saved lots of $$ ie: pull push kick those peddles o" that's what happens not keeping secrets and dragging it out eg: little pull push learn f all .im still not happy about that but didn't really know any different at the time this somewhat killed the dream .anyone that flys fix wing could have saved that part of the bullshit and lots of $$$$$.if I get back into flying fix wing I'm much more educated for the next round ,although flying ppc just to fly low and slow with nowhere to go is good for now ,I just feel ripped off with the ga thing,with my little 60 is hrs fix wing I'm sure I could save someone else from the same rip off and not kill anyone eg at 3000 feet and try this etc.
  13. Yes and I've only just noticed it recently while flying above clouds in a ppc
  14. anyone know why at 2.32 the shadow has those rings? I've noticed the same rings while flying ,I also fly with that track up loud through the a20's
  15. Best of luck welcome to the rest of your life flying
  16. She's past free put your price up and just maybe
  17. [quote="Head in the clouds, post: 395968, member: 7450" I was thinking it had to do with 'Vertical Photography' which is a defined term but on reflection I think it has to do with making money by taking photos from your recreational aircraft. Thanks as I've given a farmer pics of he farm as thanks for letting me fly from there ,and now a year later there on a big for sale sign at the end of the road with some of them as advertising (and they look great). Although what would stop a passenger from selling pics they took??
  18. Rotax Rick makes something like this out of ? Lots of hp hrs to run ??
  19. I'll give it a go just need a bit more $$$ times 2.5 ish,so I can dedicate the time required
  20. ....and we don't know when he may drop past this way again ....I had two rounds of this also....raa is just like gas, power ,and phone company's there's not many options.
  21. Got my rego after only one month of being grounded
  22. Kevin, got mine yesterday only grounded for a month ,I found that if you phone up it's the only way to keep it moving,funny thing is no weight form was required on my aerochute?. That's going to be next years first delay
  23. They cost lots new
  24. Seems to me when something wrong is found STOP this must be fixed .so when to owner finds out by post (yes post) or other means he usually will fix this straight away then it's to the bottom of the pile waiting for the casa guy,when he gets a chance to drop in .then he finds something else STOP etc etc.yep , best to phone up now and again or your rego may get left in the to hard basket longer.im now back in the casa guy pile hoping he can't find anything else when he next visits ,although nobody can say when this may happen. Sounds like the easy ones are getting done on time which is a great start, I just hope that flying is like riding a bike and I don't forget how when eventually back in the sky
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