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Everything posted by 503

  1. What I was trying to say is its a good idea (vanes on wheels or tyres) (common sense is not that common so it should be called uncommon sense)
  2. Sounds like more un common sense
  3. Wrong about what seems to me that there is a lot of bad news and a lot of this info is from this site,I hope that this is a unusually bad year.1 is to many
  4. I'm fairly new to this site and there seems to be a lot of accidents is this the norm? This is reinforcing my latest choice to fly powered parachutes (used to fly ga) ppc seems a lot safer
  5. more please
  6. Powered parachute is raa,powered parasale is hgfa ie:legs for landing gear ,they can have light wheels though its not as easy now luv to give it a go
  7. Yes I do miss the three axis sometimes ,but being from ga and now let ASIC and medical slip have to go with instructor next time$$$,more likely be better to convert to raa lic then rent until home Reno completed and have more spare cash. I've not long found this ppc flying and wish that I found it long ago,for 17lts of fuel per hrs only cost,I just feel that I need to tell all that if money is tight this may be worth a look its great fun and the most relaxing way you can fly ,dont even have to manage airspeed .many ga people turn there noses up at the thought of ppc don't know why,if I could get em in one they may change there mind. True low and slow flying .Still the dream of building my own light aircraft is alive and well but prob have to wait till kids all gone.untill then........
  8. Max 15 knot for take off can land in more,must be a 4stoke around but haven't seen one,go and get a tif totally different but good the same ,maintain yourself,add fuel and go.takes up about 2 meters square of space in shed on trailer,great flying along the coast.10 k buys low hrs second hand,no real ongoing cost bar plugs and fuel,I can take off in 20 mtrs solo,safest way to fly
  9. I was told its the increase in speed with using the rudder that picked up the wing,eg hitting right rudder makes left wing faster
  10. Does any of the video exist? Did a doco get made ? I'd buy a copy of that
  11. O ppg is cheaper but I need my landing legs for the rest of the week for other things like walking .
  12. For me I can't get past my powered parachute ,after ga flying,lowest slowest,best and closest to really flying,yes can't go anywhere but,why fly to bumf..k then walk to town for $$$,maintain it yourself add 17 ltrs per hour that's it.tow it anywhere see it all ,almost for free ,yep sounds like I'm preaching ,but if I can save one from wasting time/money like i did ill be happy.wish I found this a long time ago.would have saved lots $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ only thing I miss is a good crosswind landing,not a lot of skill required with a one axis machine ,but its very relaxing .safest way to get your bum of the ground ,and you can't beat flying at 500inches agl
  13. Ok then the answer is here,this is the best place in the world to be doing anything at all including flying but I'm not telling,it's ours and I'm keeping it that way,what you don't know won't hurt ya
  14. So.What is the cheapest way to be flying,and the cheapest aircraft you can own/ maintain .other than mine?
  15. May go the way of the molar? Skycar been not far off for 40 years
  16. Nice,makes me wish mine was around when I found flyin,sure looks like he enjoyed it.
  17. I would say more for some less for others,in mankind and in all those years it's 100odd years that we get to fly,the % is small for those here at the right time tiny over humanity.no first needed most of us that get to fly are doing ok.that said you dare someone to do ?..???
  18. Thanks for that hadn't seen this one
  19. It's not the size that counts,it's the way it flys...172/now ppc
  20. Clear mylar....Is that the one Wonder Woman had
  21. If it looks like ga flys like ga then it's ?
  22. crazy ideas ,pack it up like a car/remote control Aerial.....push in pull out fuselage ........ Silly ideas wings
  23. Looks like a Woopy rooster do we need a new thread ( most ugly aircraft )
  24. There so ugly they should never fly
  25. Tanks for removing the spelling one
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