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  1. 503


    Nice never seen a green one,love the aviation thongs
  2. Nice never seen a green one,love the aviation thongs
  3. Ian?no I'm not Ian
  4. Shame ,to good to be true,nothing there!(googled Burma spitfires)
  5. Yes ,Unless you ended up in a ditch perhaps
  6. I'm not long into powered parachute flying,big change from ga.now love to fly with my aviation approved thongs,no need to break any rules low flying,if motor quits no prob,if you can't land here or there fly higher ,just loving the low slow go nowhere flying and feel that this is close to how it was long ago except no hanger required. Like those pics I'd be into that,the rules are a little different for ppc ,300ft,lower with owners consent or own property...just putting it out there if you have never tried this most basic form of hands off flying maybe give it a try,
  7. Ozzie gets it,this is flying,facthunter has identified the risk,Howard misses the point on rec flying ,bet he would like to sit at 3feet for a while then go around.pretend ga is the biggest prob with raa .
  8. Up high you may as well be in a bus,need to see the leaves on the trees,look the roo's in the eyes.this is how it was,and still is for some.my little 503 has never let me down.
  9. No ,im finding that 300 feet is almost to high to really enjoy flying ,lower the better.
  10. How many out there get to really fly. a few hundred feet at the most and slow as possible , there is no better than this!
  11. Unknown? Not any more.....!
  12. I've seen a pic of an aerochute (pink chute)towing a big flag ,so it probably could be Done with a big bunch of paperwork?
  13. On condition that you try to be careful to fly only where you can land !
  14. what a mess in 4hrs could you have got a mate out there with a van and land on its roof then no engine prop damage haha
  15. Then drive home Feel like a drone
  16. Just replace the magnetised bits with wood
  17. Is it because of the average age of these pilots?
  18. So true
  19. Sounds normal to me although very frustrating yep I hade the same trouble .my instructor was a 75 year old lady who still flew aerobatics .she would say all men over about 35 are slow learners! Ha ha .i nearly chucked it all away after failing first gfpt,soooo glad I didn't ,try not to over think it,it will happen ,I'll bet there are so many of us that have been where you are now.funny thing is now I fly a powered parachute which is to easy , cheep and fun ,I'll be keen to fly a fix wing again sooner or later I can't wait to see if I've still "got it"
  20. It's longish and skinnyish possibly flatish
  21. Must have been his first time,got it together in the end though!
  22. 2weeks no work ie:lots of flying time and a new camera to add to my machine,worst part wa has 40c temp next 6 days bugger .
  23. that "work" seems to have affected you
  24. Yep shame,can the north side still be used for landing now there digin it all up? The last raa flyin was great ,thought that was also over.
  25. Thanks forexjhonny. 100%
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