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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Hi Bob, I got my 8GTH from Hardy Spicer. They may have a NZ presence under "Spicer" - not sure if it's the same company or not.
  2. More on the story. Bloody great job by the shearer. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-03-06/avalon-airport-man-firearm-incident/105019482
  3. Inspirational, thanks for sharing!
  4. Winner! Great outcome Brian. Fantastic news.
  5. Jeez Skippy, that might be encouraging for him but it's not for the rest of us...
  6. Without knowing the exact situation it's hard to know whether the landing path is unsafe or not. Many airfields have houses up to the boundary fence, I remember the first time I flew into Adelaide (passenger) being shocked at how low we approached over the rooftops. And that's 90 tons of metal, meat and fuel travelling at 135kn, not 600kg doing about 50. As a father I can also understand your concerns about your kids safety. You're doing the right thing by getting information. With forums like this you'll get some different views. What I can agree with others about is that good communication with your neighbour is the most important thing. If you take a friendly approach, express interest in his aircraft from your engineering perspective, maybe he offers you a flight... then that's a good starting point to discuss your concerns. Maybe he can allay them, maybe you can work out a system where he lets you know his estimated arrival time so you and the kids can be out of the property while he lands... something like that. One thing is for sure, if both parties get upset and angry - you because you think he's callously putting your kids at risk, him because he thinks you're selfishly stopping his hobby... then no one wins and it'll be hell living next door to each other.
  7. I remove the plugs, spray Inox in the cylinders and turn the prop to get the Inox around everywhere. This happens once a month. I also had a pet bed heater under the motor in really cold winters. No it's not the 80hp, 100hp ULS. ??? Not quite sure what you mean there Nev.
  8. Not a new engine by the way. Ex training Foxbat, changed out at 2000 hrs.
  9. This is in preparation for first engine start, haven't even painted yet so 50 hours could be years away ☹️
  10. To any southern Tasmanian fliers - anyone interested in splitting a carton of Aeroshell Sport Plus 4? I'm trying to source this for my Rotax, the Shell distributers (Motomax down south and his partner in Launceston) prefer to sell full cartons - 12 x 1 L bottles. I only need 3L I think, happy to buy 6 as the manufacture date is March 24 so I believe it's good til 2028 (read somewhere here that the use by is usually 4 years?) - but really don't need the full 12. Price for a carton is about $250 so $125 for 6, about $21 per litre. Let me know if you're interested, I can pick the carton up this week or next. Motomax are happy to copy the release paperwork on the carton so each person gets a copy. Alternatively, if you've already bought too much, I'm happy to buy some off you. Cheers, Marty
  11. We watched Furiosa last night - the latest in the Mad Max series of movies. Wasn't bad... Lot of the same road warrior action. Anyway the... vehicle... used by the lead villain was a chariot driven by 3 motorbikes, one of them powered by a Rotec! Not sure how he used throttle, brake or gears.
  12. First attempt at lock wiring today. The prop bolts are nice and accessible, not so much the ones at the top of the nose leg...
  13. About 2000 more than the company says, generally
  14. Good info gents. I'm also getting to this stage so interested in the answers. Mate in Canberra who's built 2 Zenith CH750's has told me he used Norglass Shipshape which is available through Inspirations.
  15. Maybe he's bin doon to Bindoon and didnae like it. Lower Chittering sounds like a town in Midsomer Murders.
  16. Marty_d

    ITS HERE!!!

    Interesting how they see this thing being used. I like how the ambulance one drops off two paramedics who work on the injured person for a bit then slide her into the craft and send it off with only her on board. Who maintains her vitals on the way??
  17. Marty_d

    ITS HERE!!!

    Could be a hoax. The propellers look like fixed pitch and the contra rotating drive doesn't look like it moves, so how do you control the beast?
  18. I was lucky, a very generous person on here gifted it to me!
  19. I like this solution as it doesn't require me doing anything. Mine has the small hole too, I had assumed it was the pilot hole for the nipple but it may just be for pressure relief. Thanks all, the general consensus seems to be that it isn't needed so I'm happy with that.
  20. That got your attention! I need to put a nipple on the lid of the square plastic water overflow bottle so I can run a thin tube down to the bottom of the firewall. What have people done with that? The nipple needs to have a 90 degree bend because the top of the bottle is quite close to the cowl. I can get something like this: https://www.prospeedracing.com.au/products/brass-1-8-npt-90-degree-3mm-hose-barb-fitting-pro-speed-racing - but because it's NPT I can't put a nut on the inside of the lid, and I reckon the plastic is too thin to tap with a 1/8 NPT thread. Any ideas? Thanks, Marty
  21. https://www.nowbuildings.com.au/sheds/farm-sheds/open-bay-farm-sheds/hangar/
  22. I agree. Can't see the necessity for military aircraft to practice in high RPT traffic areas. If it's vital to practice near/in a city (why?) then divert civilian flights away from the area.
  23. Milled aluminium in most of the small ground adjustable ones.
  24. Huh? It's water. 1:1
  25. Capable of 820 US gallons according to the Fire Boss site. So a smidge over 3000 litres.
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