An update on the build - as per the above couple of posts you can probably tell that I've started working on the electrical system.
So far I've installed Relay, Regulator, and thanks to the vast patience and helpfulness of @IBob and others, have sorted out all the engine-side ends of the Savannah harness I have.
I've also bought a battery (Full River HC-20), and discovered that you can get the metal case off, and in doing so you save 903g. Which I'm quite happy about.
Tonight I've been working on building a mounting shelf for the battery, right behind the pilot's seat and on the side of the fuselage so it clears the port rudder cable. I'll post some pics later, but it involves a couple of 250mm lengths of 19x19 L shaped extrusion - one on the floor, one on the fuse side, then a 0.032" bent shelf between them. The shelf is level as the aircraft sits on the ground, and is bent up on 3 edges to keep the battery on (there'll be a strip riveted on the 4th edge too). I'll have to design some sort of retaining strap that goes over the battery to hold it down.
I've also bought a 200A isolation switch and installed it on the seat front, between the flap lever and the stick. There'll be a positive cable from battery to switch, then on to the relay and the rest of the circuit.
A check of the oil pressure sender has revealed it's the newer type (Honeywell), so have ordered the appropriate gauge from Skyshop today. Checked Aircraft Spruce but with exchange rate and freight, Skyshop were cheaper.
Still need to get a capacitor, fuel pump and a few other bits and bobs, but the credit card has had a bit of a hammering this month already so may hold back on them for a bit.
Cheers, Marty