It worked!!!!!
I just popped the lower cowl out of the mould. It came straight out, no sticking, no lumps and bumps and divots. (Well maybe a couple of minor divots!)
Decided not to use gel coat this time, just 4 layers of carbon fibre and equivalent weight in polyester. The difference - thanks to some excellent advice from several people, especially @nomadpete - was using PVA sprayed and brushed into the mould first, and a bead of silicone around all the opening holes and the edges. Yesterday I used a small foam roller to put on a coat of poly, followed by carbon, followed by poly, followed by... you get the picture!
I am also extremely grateful to the forum member (I'm not sure if he wants to be named) who donated more than enough carbon fibre to do this cowling.
Sorry about the dodgy photo, obviously taken in the dark. The piece has daggy bits of PVA hanging off it but that peels off easily. Also looks like an evil halloween pumpkin from the front, especially with those strands of CF in the "mouth" - but hey, it worked, and I'm stoked - and relieved!
Will take more pics when I've trimmed everything and test fitting over the engine.