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Everything posted by mick182

  1. thanks for the welcomes, yes that morgan car is a beauty. I have found the Morgan pages, and I have read many as there is a wealth of information. It will be a long while before i build. But i will read and learn, and when the time comes i will be ready and informed. mick
  2. ok, thanks Dazza
  3. Hi , I,m mick , I,ve been interested in grassroots aviation (pre ww-1 stuff) for many years. I also like Morgan areoworks Diamond single seater. I may build one and put in a 2276 vw engine. In the mean time i with just read posts and try and join in , this looks like a great site. I am a boilermaker / welder , so if i can help with fab or welding questions ,i will do my best.
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