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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Latest site update says classifieds are back.
  2. What going on with aircraft classifieds ? It says there back but I cannot find it.
  3. What a totally confusing article. The media is getting worse.
  4. Two 0-200 motors in pieces for sale $1500
  5. Well I would say two very lucky men. That is a video everyone should see.
  6. What gets me on this site everyone is an expert when it comes to accidents. And full of advise.
  7. Hi All Just wondering what the situation is with the RAAus pilots licence if one leaves RAAus but rejoins after several years is the license still there ( with licence review of course) or does one have to start again. Is it like a GA licence where one would just have to obtain a medical and do some update training.
  8. Personally I think RAAus is slowly dying. For the type of people it should be catering for (inexpensive low cost flying) its becoming too expensive and bureaucratic. I agree with Riley.
  9. Wheres the Sept magazine got to ????????
  10. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/seahawk-mk4.136176/#post-501852 Check this out built by a John Stevens called the seahawk mk4
  11. Bottom line is I'm getting more and more pissed off with RAAus If only an alternative organisation would become available to offer RAAus a bit of competition The magazine debacle has become a joke
  12. Do I actually have to answer that
  13. "self serving empire building management" Sounds like the way RAAus is going
  14. Just downloaded July issue of Sports Pilot from RAAus site. Tried to read it !!!!!!!! What a disaster They could do it a lot better
  15. I'l try again with some pics here goes !!!!!!
  16. Hi All Does anyone know anything about this amphibious 95-10 aircraft built by John Stevens from Brisbane Trying to add picture but cant figure out how. But does anyone know about the above mentioned aircraft
  17. What in the *&xx##@$$## is any of this got to do with sport pilot magazine
  18. To my way of looking at it all is RAAus just wants to become a massive bureaucracy and we the members will be paying for it !!!!!
  19. Robert

    Tow bar?

    Neil I made one that works great if interested email me and i'll send you some pics
  20. Does anyone have a HKS 700E motor they want to sell ????
  21. A Bill Whitney SCAMP is advertised on the RAAus members market fitted with a Rotec radial engine. This aircraft has been advertised a few times over the years but seems to never been flown or registered. Does anyone know of this aircraft and why it has never been flown. ???
  22. Is it anything to do with the twin cyl lawnmower victas brought out years ago ??????
  23. They tend not to report data on their products in the same way their competitors do, obviously making it difficult for a consumer to make a direct comparison with other products on the market. I'm using Techniglue on my Himax project. Not sure if you've given it a thought - It's relatively cheap, quite forgiving with it's gap-filling properties and I believe you can buy two different speed hardeners for it these days. It is also readily available around here. The proof is in the pudding for me. Hi Yes your right about the comparison makes it very difficult. I have been using T88 but Techniglue sounds interesting. Does it mix up as a thick liquid like T88 or more like a paste? The cost of T88 by an Australian supplier is a total ripoff compared to costs from US suppliers.
  24. We will remember your statement and hold you to it Dazza
  25. HKS back in production http://www.greenskyadventures.com/
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