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Everything posted by Robert

  1. It seems the sentiments on this site is if you cant afford it get out !!!!!!!! Wouldn't it be better to have the attitude of lets see how we can make it more affordable for everyone.
  2. Here is a good engine for you if you could get one in oz http://www.lonesomebuzzards.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?m-1400450564/s-new/#num3
  3. Thanks for the replies guys So whats your thoughts on what a time expired 912 is worth ????? The way i see it is that due to the colossal cost of repairs to Rotax engines one could be buying an expensive boat anchor!!! Any comments ??
  4. Hi All Just wondering what a time expired 100hp 912 rotax would be like to use in a 50 to 80 hrs a year aircraft Worth it or not any info on this matter would be good Cheers
  5. If you have ordered the kit than its to late if not Have you looked into purchasing the plans and sourcing the wood in Aust Thats how i built my Hi-Max
  6. Why cant we have some sort of experimental catagory. The americans seem to be able to put all sort of mods and engines on their aircraft even to GA built aircraft
  7. Why not !!!!!!!
  8. I suppose what I meant to say was bring back to AUF like it used to be even if it meant loosing a few of the current privileges. I don't think we ever wanted to be equivalent to GA with all their privileges.
  9. What gets me is why isn't it a simple solution of transferring the aircraft to an experimental category. The way things are going I can defiantly see the demise of RAAus. Bring back the AUF I say!!!!!
  10. Who wouldn't give their wife or anyone else who flys with one regularly stick time in case of an incident. There are some laws for the sake of common sense that need to be broken
  11. yes and the way things are going I can see it dropping down a lot further. I also get the feeling a lot more aircraft are coming up for sale. I think the rot is well and truly happening Well it was fun while it lasted:cops:
  12. Nothing wrong with a ramp checks but how long before they bring in an on the spot fine (The new Australian way)
  13. Maj "I own a little Hirth F23" What do you think of the Hirth F23 motor any good ????
  14. Hi Ian Have you still got the EA81 Hirth reduction drive you can contact me at [email protected]
  15. The yanks have equal rights to their country via their constitution. if they want to do something , they just go and godamn do it !.......and who the hell are you to tell them they can't !!!....that's just their mentality, equal rights and freedoms for all.....................Maj.... Yes and its a crying shame the way our country is going but than again do we the people deserve what we get because we dont seem to be in to big of a hurry to change the path we are going down
  16. Hi Pete Yes i have a manual (downloaded) but doesnt say much about the ign system Mainly want to know it parts still avail but not much luck there
  17. Thanks for the info fellas but the saga continues.
  18. Hi all Have recently purchased an aircraft with a Hirth 2706 on board which now has no spark on either ign circuits I suspect the CDI units. Has anyone experiance with these motors especially on how to check the CDI units (Iskra 16754076) or if there is an agent in Aust or where i could get a couple of these CDI units
  19. Membership fees up !!!!! Does this mean registration fees up as well the cost of a biannual hmmm and the rich guys are saying if you cant afford it than just go away and play bowls. Make one wonder where we are heading. I think the trouble is RAA has been hiJacked by GA wanttabes Gee how i would like to see the good old fun days back
  20. Especially scary when they are equipped with artificial inteligence and theres a swarm off a couple hundred coming at you
  21. "I do have a Hirth box 2.25:1 (unused)on an ea81 c/w adapters etc ....you may be interested in!" What sort of money you looking at for the unit? Is it engine and gearbox or just gearbox and adapter to EA81
  22. Some people are just afraid of two strokes, and want to believe they can get power from a four stroke...... sad. I think the biggest advantage with 4 strokes is their fuel consumsion compared to 2strokes
  23. Its a mad mad world and getting madder
  24. Sorry to hear that, without insurance maybe we should all take heed and not take passengers. Looks like the placards we need to have in the aircraft dont mean a thing. Surely RAAus could have a form dawn up that if passenger signed would protect the aircraft pilot and owner especially if everything is above board.
  25. Agree with you Mick all the way this is the problem that will destroy Raaus. I wish people that want these GA privilages would leave and go to GA and let Raaus get back to what it was originally about.
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