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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Thanks for the info Patrick Will get in touch with them
  2. Hi all I am sick of the doors not staying open and thinking its time for new gas struts any advise on what ones to replace them with ????
  3. Yep definatly proves humans have that embedded dickhead gene and some just cannot control it
  4. I love it when someone gets a conversation like this going puts a bit of action into the forum:smile:
  5. I just carry a portable DVD player and Man Verses Wild DVDs Get me home every time:victory:
  6. Hi I built a HiMax about 15 years ago from plans only. Easy to build just like building a big model aircraft Aircraft flew well and has the 45HP Zenoah engine in it. I still got it but havent flown it for years. If your interested check out this forum http://www.lonesomebuzzards.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?c-gen/
  7. Run it pass your area rep it would be a good test of where he's at !!!
  8. check this out great little addition for the cockpit http://www.dynonavionics.com/docs/D1_intro.html
  9. This prop thingy seems to me total over regulation by RAAus if the aircraft is not used for training why cant the aircraft be changed to a differant reg catigory or an EXPERIMENTAL catagory. Seems they want to kill off any experimentation or aircraft improvements. Plus dont even get me started on some of their bullsh#t endorsments. Oviously they think us pilots are dumb sh#ts and need to be totally regulated or they want total control over us!!!!!! Seems to be becoming the Australian way though.
  10. AAAhhh following the RAAus path:augie:
  11. Yes it would be madness to leave the ship crewless so I would tread carefully
  12. Fuel consumtion would be a worry
  13. I want my proper calender WWWHHHHHAAAAAAA:roflmao:
  14. Well I suppose not really a calender maybe its gunna be in the Feb13 issue
  15. Yes like you I think they have got the message and are trying to improve things. After reading Paul Middos statement in regards to the Emergency General Meeting I am of the oppionion to leave it to the easter flyin if possible. This would give things a chance to be caughtup with and to settledown. Got the mag a couple days ago new calandar is a bit p#$s weak i thought what do others think?
  16. Hi All Thought I would start this thread so members can state or voice what they would like to be brought up at the meeting and what changes they would like to be looked into as far as RAAus is concerned. Thats of course if the meeting goes ahead. If members are dissatisfied with the way things are going within the RAAus now is the time to voice it so things can change or be sorted out. So if your not satisfied please support the calling of a meeting so you can voice your opinions .
  17. HaHaHa Andy why should you be any differant than the rest of us !!!!
  18. Andy sorry to say this but for the people who are not totally up with computers you could have done it better
  19. Arent we becoming a big enough police state/country as it is. We dont need this type of stuff After the last voting episode I can see why most members dont bother to vote it just get to involved.
  20. "In other words the membership generally are being treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed BS)." Seems to be a growing trend with RAAus board and management
  21. Interested in eng and accecories as a whole maybe a couple pics of eng especially damaged areas
  22. what sort of money for the HKS
  23. It not really about comments or board reps replying on this forum its about the growing discontent by members being kept in the dark about whats going on within RAAus (members have been lied to when phoneing up the RAaus office to find out whats been going on lately, what sort of image does that relay to members.) It would be good to have a members only insert in the magazine to kept us posted on whats happenning and what changes are going on. Also a little note occationally from our area reps to lets know what they are doing to look after our interests. The RAAus oganisation is about the membership so keeping us in the dark only breeds disconcent.
  24. Well isnt it great to finally hear from a board rep good on you John McK you get 10 out of 10 for that. Could have been a bit sooner though. Now to only hear something from our SA rep who promised us so much when he wanted our vote
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