Maybe it just me but I find the magazine more focused towards newstands sales than the interest to RAAus members
Full of adds and glossy pictures with not many interesting articles concerning our light aviation interests. Personally I dont think a magazine produced for the public newstands can have articles in it relating RAAus business for members only and we seem to missout on being informed whats going on or being negotiated in our interests.
I think if possible I would forego the magazine as it is for a $70 reduction in my licence fees
"Another design I've considered is the Icon/TEAM MiniMax"
Check out this site
The TEAM HiMax or MiniMax a great little airplane
I built a HiMax from plans and is no differant than building a model aircraft
Hi All
Maybe someone has the answer
A friend has a 582 which doesnt seem to want to start with elect starter (seems to wind over quick enough) but then one pull on the rope starter and it roars to life first pull
Anyone got the answer ????
I own a Savannah Bingo with HKS engine. Airframe is the same as other savannahs
A bit lighter because mostly people dont paint them also limited to 450kg due to engine size
Great fuel economy about 9ltrs per hr but I do think it looses a lot of it stol capability because of engine HP.
Cruises about 60kts
Must go for a ride in a 100hp one of these days to compare
Thanks Redozbris
I was hoping for a simpler way
Seems one can get plenty of reports via the internet
but to phone up and get a computer generated verbal report goes to a new level
Hi All
Maybe someone can advise me the following
I read about all the new gadgets and iphones with there many aps but was wondering
I am at a bush airstrip with standard mobile phone and coverage, can i still phone somewhere and get a verbal weather report for the next leg of my trip? If so who do I ring and how ???
Your lucky in South Aust a gun licence costs $72 (1 yr) or $297 (5 yrs)
$25 for life isnt it strange how Gov suck us in and once we are in the system hit us big time !!!!!!!!!!!
Good on yer Dazza
What about the good old Auzzie thing where somethings been there for years suddenly new neibours or a new house appears next door and they seem to have the right to have it shut down !!!!
well you have all lost me sometimes i think
i have reached an age where i cant be bothered keeping up with all this crap
will concerntrate on the things that matter
anyway what does, lol mean, as it seems to be used a lot
Hi All
Anyone know of any Steak Shadow aircraft in Victoria or South Australia that I might get to check out
Also anyone had any experience with these aircraft ?
Hi All
All this is great but what worries me is how long before we are put into the avaition medical system (bi annual aviation medicals)
I think a line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere with RAAus saying this is as far as we want to go. If a person wants more than Reg your aircraft VH
Thanks for the info guys
I was more interested in the old single seaters such as the Buccaneers and Aventuras. I think they would be a lot of fun.
The lastest two seaters would be great but a bit out of my price range. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how many single seaters were brought to this country, if any and if so anyone know of any sitting around collecting cobwebs !!!!!!!
Cheers All