"Concerning the ASIC card, $160 bucks every two yrs, not tooooo bad considering some other things these days."
Its not only $160 bucks for the ASIC card (which I most proberly need but most proberly wont need) but the $160 bucks for everything else I need
Look at the way the RAAus is going now we got endosments for everything they can think of not to mention everything else with the path they are heading down
How long before it is the same as GA flying with the same costs and demise like GA.
It will soon be time to bring back an AUF type organization and get back to basic simple and inexspensive flying. Can anyone remember 9510
Well thats what got the RAAus where it is today. If it tried to start of with the exspensive aircraft it is promoting today it would never have got going!!!!
As for beauracrats, can anyone honestly tell me that they think anything though these days and not take the quick answers on board.
My gripe for today (blood pressure now up a bit having mentioned beauracrats)
Cheers all