well they could give us a wisper of what is going on, not silence as they are giving us. The president could give us some updates via. RAAus web site, nup just silence.
1. At what stage is SMS?
2. I hear there are experts giving directions for the SMS. Who are the experts ?
3. What is happening at the RAAus office?
4. Is the board finding the task daunting? Hence the silence.
5. What is the CEO doing?
Published by Mark Clayton, signed by Jim Tatlock.
"On Monday 19th of August, 2013, the President Rod Birrell and the Treasurer Jim Tatlock met with Kevin Scrimshaw (Safety Assurance Officer) of CASA’s Self Administering Sport Aviation Organisations Section (SASAO). Meetings covered in detail what CASA’s SMS requirements are for Sports Aviation Organizations such as ours.
On the following day, Tuesday the 20th, CASA, RAAus Operations Manager Zane Tully and I began to develop a suitable SMS for our organization. The proposed system offers RA-Aus. the following benefits:
• A Safety Management System that is acceptable to CASA
• A SMS that is similar to those adopted, or being developed by other Sports Aviation Organisations (able to share data)
• Inexpensive
• Stand alone from other procedural documents (smallest impact on current practices)
• Able to be developed and rolled out to Flying Training Facilities (FTF’s) and Clubs minimizing workload for end users
The meeting with CASA will now be discussed with the RA-Aus. Board and a clear direction for the development and implementation of an updated SMS will be published in the near future."
(sorry just saw Sues' post)