It may be my misunderstanding but we are all General Aviation (GA), we are all human, and we all make mistakes.
The lessons learnt here are that sometimes the bashing occurs either through habit or through misunderstanding. I see this between VH / RAA, Pilot / Pilot, Club / Club, and airfield / airfield. The other lesson to learn is we all could improve our airmanship and the only way to do this is to keep trying
Having flown in GA and RAA I can say that it does not matter where the mistakes are coming from, only that we try to correct them. As has been said before:
· Approach the Pilot in question. (If safe to do so)
· Approach the CFI / owner / club.
· Report to the organisation responsible. (In RAA that is ultimately CASA)
It is better this way rather than having to add to a ATSB report.