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Everything posted by Chird65

  1. I need to bite my tounge. Further reading restricts the award. 6. WHO IS BOUND BY THIS AWARD? The award is binding upon each of the employers and/or operators named in Appendix A; each pilot identified in 5.2, and the Australian Federation of Air Pilots I have not read the appendix but doubt that many RAA flight schools would be listed except existing PPL Flight schools.
  2. Mates rates, it would be interesting to have that tested. RAA operates under the GA General Aviation rules. The only difference, at the moment, is there are exceptions for RAA. The award is should cover, "5.2 This award relates to the industry of persons employed as pilots in any capacity whether full-time, part-time or casual in General Aviation excepting Helicopters and Aerial Agriculture operations". In the end it is between the employer and Instructer.
  3. My favorite was always the verbal agreement form.
  4. RD, you seem to be flying along. The two of you must work well as your work seems well thought out but efficient. Great to see Chris
  5. Scotty, try CASA http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/ame/guide/careerguide.pdf page 15 for links to training. the whole book covers what is a LAME and how to get there. Actually I looked closer and could not find a part time course. Try http://cricos.deewr.gov.au/Course/CourseSearch.aspx I found 196 AME type courses, but did not read all of them. Chris
  6. Ignition, I disagree. Communication in the cockpit is very high in a training situation. It is entirely upto a CFI to ensure they are clearly understood. What alluded here is, a "special review" mandated by the Ops Manager. A young pilot who has come to the attention of the Ops manager needs to be handled well. There should be no making it harder when trying to get a good picture of a pilots skill or attitude. Add to this a standoff by a CFI and non communication from the Ops manager is no way to get anyone back on track. I think Nongs offer is the best course. A CFI with no previous skin in the game and open communication between Pilot, RAA and CFI to ensure safety and compliance. regards Chris
  7. RD, The KR2 with the S suppliment. i have only looked at them and relised I will need to know which bits from the KR2 I need to exchange for the KR2s.Of course for you it will only say what should be there not what they did. Either way congratulations on the arrivals.
  8. RD, Do you have a copy of the plans and manual? If not I just received a new set from NV Aero. If you need to have a look at them I'd be happy to give you a look. (Maybe not this week as I am moving home) but give me a call and I could bring them down.
  9. It may be my misunderstanding but we are all General Aviation (GA), we are all human, and we all make mistakes. The lessons learnt here are that sometimes the bashing occurs either through habit or through misunderstanding. I see this between VH / RAA, Pilot / Pilot, Club / Club, and airfield / airfield. The other lesson to learn is we all could improve our airmanship and the only way to do this is to keep trying . Having flown in GA and RAA I can say that it does not matter where the mistakes are coming from, only that we try to correct them. As has been said before: · Approach the Pilot in question. (If safe to do so) · Approach the CFI / owner / club. · Report to the organisation responsible. (In RAA that is ultimately CASA) It is better this way rather than having to add to a ATSB report.
  10. Hey was that 60 Minutes or beyond 2000? I don't remember the presenter being at 60 Minutes.
  11. They tried to start it as an Open Source project but it has since slowed to nothing. Ligeti Stratos: World's first open source aircraft The designers son was a member here.
  12. No it was definitely Wayne Kerr.
  13. OME, What a great bit of work. It must have taken a bit of time to record it all. If I need to do any stitching in the distant future I'll reference this . Chris
  14. Chird65

    KR 2S for sale

    I would look at this project if I did not already have one. Darren did a gret job in constructing this project. I visited while he was active and he was very careful and thoughtful. As they say it still has 90% to go but is a good start for anyone that wants a project. You will find there are genuine reasons for him selling this project. I only know Darren from that one visit and a catch up at Narromine so I have only a little skin in the game. If interested contact him to have a look. So ends the sale job. Chris
  15. Dual deul Darky now you can say you were Duel. really glad you are OK. Given that is the last of the Warriors I learnt in it could be a sad day. :black_eye: BZA - D were my planes in the 80's. Chris
  16. Martin thanks for the offer to look around, I own part of a property in Frankston, which is on the market as well. I would have bought it but I have a teenager going into Year 12 next year and don't want to change her school. For everyone else the KR2 started life as a single seater called the KR-1. There is also a motor glider supplement to the KR-1 plans as well. The KR-2S is a lengthened version and there have been many changes over the years to make this a versatile project for the experimenter. It's creator Ken Rand is credited with making popular the Fibreglass over foam construction method.
  17. Yes, I am one of the tragics. Thanks Martin for starting the sub forum. Sadly, I bought a boat stage project 2 years ago and have not progressed at all. i am in the middle of selling the family home and finding a new place to live so I reckon it may take more time to get going again. I started a site but have not updated it for a while. I'll try at some stage for those that are interested. Here are som pics of where it is upto: [ATTACH]12364.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]12365.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]12366.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. Hey RD, I lurk aswell, I have only posted once because of the rules, I don't have anything of value to add most of the time or someone else answers. As far as SWMBO, don't try to remove them. I did and now I no longer have a minister for war and finance but that is because the finance no longer exists. I'll stay grounded for a long time to come. Hope the move goes well and keep us posted on the outcome. When I hear I'll get that list.
  19. Martin, There are a few KR2 in the build stage but I don't know of any flying in Melbourne. I have sent an email to get a list (which I have lost) of all the Australian contacts. Most, if they are active receive the www.krnet.org email distribution, and any Aus only information is done through the contact list put together by Phillip Matheson in NSW. I'll get back to you when I can. Chris
  20. Nev, About 120 ;-) . He has responded and said it was; "harmonic balancer bolt. Despite being properly torqued and Loc-tited, mine backed out while flying yesterday, resulting in a lot of vibration, noise, and the engine stopping dead in under a minute". All said a good outcome. Chris
  21. With all of the usual disclaimers: (I’m not current, have never tried this, and would follow the RAA advice on turning back) If you want a video of some of these scenarios please see the attached video. Aerobatics in California regards Chris
  22. Ogres are like onions Ian i have at least read section 6.5. As for the rest, see the title.
  23. Try mathews Timber in Vermont Vic (I assume you are in Vic). I know a KR Builder who was able to get boards from there. Mathews Timber - Home. KR2S :: Machining To see what he did.
  24. Should have known Well i got the attached letter back thanking me for my input, "which was to complain I could not access their web site". :black_eye: So I assume they have taken my comments on board. 20100802135458803.pdf 20100802135458803.pdf 20100802135458803.pdf
  25. Now I feel a bit.... different. I have never had a fear until someone did something to make it safe. if there is a rail or a window or I am restrained I get the feeling but if it is open I walk up and the brain says be careful but the animal inside does not react. I built my own house and the front gutter is 6 mtrs off the ground. I climbed the walls and placed all the roof truss' but when the guttering was done they put in gaurd rails and I could not stand there till they were removed. Gibbo that photo would not have made me shudder but if they put a safety ladder to climb up my legs would shake. maybe I am wired wrong :-)
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