Yesterday the weather finally came good. Bit of early fog, looking eerily beautiful in the valleys, but the early sun already hot in a blue sky soon after dawn. At last, a bit of flying weather after weeks of grey sky & rain.
And it was the biggie - at last my instructor threw caution to the wind & pronounced me ready to solo the trusty Jab. Yaay!
I opened the throttle & we bounded into the air. A surprisingly rapid rate of climb meant I saw 1000' agl before the end of the runway. So a short circuit to the first of my solo landings in the Jabiru. It's a squirmy little beast, as many will know - but like any aeroplane, it only does what you tell it. So it's your own fault if you hit the ground sideways. . .
I did 3 circuits, then a full stop after the 4th. Basically ok, but the plane floats a lot longer with only me on board.
I was reasonably satisfied with my flying, but I still need to work on my touchdowns - it's very easy to slew slightly, or be too heavy-handed on pitch, leading to balloning.
To be fair, this was actually my second 1st solo, but my first one was 30 plus years ago, so my skills were a bit rusty! Apart from a summer of gliding in 2011, this is my first flying for over 25 years. I enjoyed the whole solo thing all over again.
This morning was the same settled high, though it took until 10:00 for the fog to clear completely. I did a bit of pootling about in the locality, and a few more landings, to consolidate my newly refurbished skills. All great fun. I think the little Jabiru makes a great training aircraft, demanding proper and precise use of all 3 axes. Very different from the Cessna 150/2 that I gained my PPL on years ago in UK. That was very easy to fly adequately, and tended to flatter vestigial skills. The rudder pedals were a handy place to rest your feet.
So once I get my MiniMax signed off, I can start flying an aeroplane with the little wheel in the right place! I ran the engine up again yesterday, after fitting a second battery giving me true dual electronic ignition. The Max told me she was fed up sitting in the hangar & wanted to fly. I had to agree. Narromine here I come!