Built balsa models from as early as I can remember.
Bought a scruffy Rogallo (86 degrees nose angle) in 1974 and learnt to fly it by jumping off Beachy Head on south coast of England. Got into competition hangliding in a shiny new machine.
Imported a Pterodactyl microlight from the States in 1979. Built it in my shed, then taught myself to fly it from the manual. No regulations or even many flying schools in those days (oh joy. . .) Did a 210km cross country flight, taking off before first light: watched the sun rise from 3500' over the English Channel. Forever etched in my brain.
Ran my own company making 2 seat microlights of my own design (one wire braced, the other strutted). Went bust.
Got involved with Richard Noble & our small company ARV Aviation designed & built the ARV Super2. From standing start to first flight in 13 months. Approved by UK CAA for Public Transport & aerial work. Built & sold 33, half to flying schools. I got my PPL and demonstrated, selling 14 aircraft. Went bust after prototype engine problems. (If only the Rotax 80 hp had been around it would have been a different story.)
Joined Met Research Flight as Instrument engineer, flew with RAF in various locations around the world in the MRF Hercules, aka 'Snoopy'.
Went gliding, reached solo standard.
Came back to Oz to retire, presently building a MiniMax 'Eros'.
I fly because it's fun!!