As regards that specific point, if I register as a 19 xxxx under section 95.55, what would my annual rego fee be? Are you saying that I'd pay more if I go with RAA rather than SAAA? I assumed that if my aircraft satisfied the 95.55 minima, then it would cost the same annually to register. As to the annual membership fee of RAA, yes, $210 is a lot as a builder (though I understand I can join as a non-flying member up to completion). But the 200 odd bucks with RAA does include 3rd party insurance while flying. Does SAAA offer a similar scheme?
I can understand that it would be great to attend regularly a local SAAA chapter meeting, both for socialising and for practical assistance with the build. But my nearest chapter is 150km away, and a round trip of 300km is quite an ongoing commitment.
There is the further point that SAAA have not replied to my initial enquiry, which does not bode well for future enquiries should I join them.
I'm looking to convert my lapsed UK PPL to whatever I need to fly locally. I'm not interested in flying beyond my local area, though I would like to fly to Narromine for Ausfly next time it's held there. So only looking for minimal licencing & aircraft rego. I'm told as a sub-600kg MTOW with 36 mph stall & 27kg/sq.m wing loading (anyone spot the mixed units there?) I can modify & maintain the aircraft myself, which suits me fine.
If I have this wrong, could someone kindly explain the difference in initial registering & ongoing operation under RAA & SAAA? Many thanks.