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Everything posted by Bennyboy320

  1. The RAAUS ops manual hasn’t been updated yet to reflect that a CASA class 5 even exists hence you need to self certify a RAAUS medical declaration, that’s what I was told when I submitted my class 5.
  2. When I bought my Foxbat back in 2016 had the pleasure of dealing with both Peter & Ido, did my acceptance flight with Ido, he was an exceptional pilot & a real gentleman, RIP Ido.
  3. The wizz wheel (computer) for pilots is like trigonometry tables for high school & uni students, know that they exist & can be found in a museum, the world has moved on.
  4. I’ll be there if the weather gods are kind.
  5. Well I’ve been awarded my wings by the RAAF many years ago & since then have flown for a number of airlines, EVERY AIRLINE pilot in the world has a set of wings to be worn as part of your uniform, as far as aero club’s as mentioned by fachunter I like the idea.
  6. CX700Z was due to a bomb onboard, exploded over South Vietnam, insurance scam by an alleged Thai policeman who put his fiancee & daughter on the flight & took out a large policy just before the flight.
  7. If I remember my Performance A from many years ago, basically the second segment climb gradient of a 2 engine a/c is 2.4% & a 4 engine a/c it’s 3.0% which gives you better obstacle clearance following an engine failure at V1. Other reasons they chose 4 engines was greater redundancy plus better takeoff performance from short runways.
  8. Very true, the only a/c that had 5 APU’s 😂
  9. We had a 3 engine ferry procedure on the BAe146 when I flew it with National Jet Systems, actually used it once to get an a/c to the BNE maintenance facility.
  10. Let my class 1 expire as I didn’t require it anymore, did the class 5 which was seamless, emailed it the RAAUS for them to update my records, just received an email from them, RAAUS are unable to accept CASA class 5 medical certificates at this time as the Ops Manual has not been updated, work in progress.
  11. Irrelevant nav aid from the last century, Boeing & Airbus no longer have the ADF installed in their a/c, GPS/RNAV/RNP is the way everyone is going including GA for obvious reasons of cost, no flight testing of NAVAID required which causes traffic delays etc.
  12. A beautiful morning flight around Moreton Island with a mate, priceless.😊
  13. I will not be forced to Foreflight when the inevitable happens, think I’ll be like a lot of Ozrunways customers & take my business to AVPLAN.
  14. Hey Don, this would have to be one of the best statements I’ve ever read reference private/recreational flying, I agree with you 💯%.
  15. Also the Cirus is not certified for flight into know icing conditions.
  16. 250KIAS at 5000’ equals 270KTS TAS, Flightradar24 displays ground speed.
  17. Been a few years since we landed at Moree, back then fuel was available with V or MC, it’s now an Air BP fuel carnet only, so perhaps use Narrabri instead of Moree.
  18. Old Station is the best fly in & under wing camping ⛺️ Airshow around, in my humble opinion, I’ll definitely be there again next year.
  19. We flew the inland route: Tyabb-Wagga-Dubbo-Moree-Caboolture. No terrain & plenty of enroute alternates if required.
  20. I’m 192cm & 96kg, I fly the Foxbat A22LS, VERY spacious with lots of leg room. Highly recommend this a/c.
  21. Firstly condolences to the family & friends of our lost aviators, RIP. I am based out of Caboolture & totally agree that the shared CTAF frequency with Caloundra is a flight safety issue & MUST be addressed ASAP.
  22. As expected GA & RAAUS a/c not able to get an Air BP card. See attached email regarding my application. looks like some of these airports that don’t offer visa or Mastercard for fuel will need some extra fuel planning to decide if you can land or overfly & spend your money elsewhere.
  23. Just filled out an application for an Air BP card, only a 20 page document, jeez there’s less admin required in buying a house. My gut feeling is that I’ll be knocked back as BP look like they’re only interested in big fuel users not some guy occasionally needing AVGAS for their RAAUS a/c when a Visa card is not available to be used.
  24. If the a/c & pilot are appropriately certified & qualified it’s not illegal, it’s not ASA’s responsibility to check your qualifications. P.S. I too have a valid CASA BFR & class 1 medical, plus my Foxbat is certified.
  25. Gold Coast are pretty good, 100% success rate in transiting their airspace, coastal you have to be very lucky due to RPT arrivals/departures but the Western VFR route always offered.
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