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Everything posted by w3stie

  1. Can you give us details of the apps and hardware you are using for this?
  2. It would be hard to deny that claim. We get a dose of France from the air every July with the Tour de France broadcast and it is always visually stunning!
  3. Camel you have used up all your exclamation marks. Please use the numeral 1 in future posts. Yours sincerely, the grammar police.
  4. ^^I don't know who got the bigger thrill, the African kids, or the pilots!
  5. How can you build a Bleriot XI? Do they have kits? Any links? Sorry - thread drift. :)
  6. Great to see the internet actually brining people together in this way. Will it take off in Oz
  7. G'day Brad and welcome. What kind of hybrid are you building?
  8. So it reads like it was a deliberately induced spin from about 4500' . No mention in the prelim report of the position or condition of the yoke. Did the student freeze on the controls and keep the stick pulled back?
  9. Any idea who could supply them?
  10. Nice blog Adrian. I think I came across your bike some time ago when I was looking at cafe racers. I'm also a fan of Shinya Kimora's bikes, if you know them?
  11. G'day Adrian what record are you chasing on the salt? Im a member of DLRA but haven't been to the lake. It's on my list to get down there one day and maybe do a run. Rob
  12. I don't see why not. Send me your email and I'll pass it on if you like.
  13. I'm cross-posting this request from a car forum. If I wanted a wing of a specified profile and specified chord and width, what would be the best way of buying one? I am thinking something like one of the NACA profiles for which there is real engineering data available. Say 900 x 150mm. I would like alloy end plates or similar, allowing motorised adjustable angle of attack. I have absolutely no skills in fibreglass / carbon fibre / etc and so I'd prefer something able to be bought or made to the specs. Suppliers? Does anyone know where this person might start looking? Thanks, Rob
  14. I saw that, very good. Just occasionally the ABC has something to say worth listening too
  15. I did incipient spin recovery in my GFPT training in 1992 in a PA-28. A little later, did full spin recovery in a glider. Sitting in the front seat of a Puchatek seeing my feet, then about 3000 feet of air, then the ground spinning slowly beneath that is a sight that is burned into my memory!
  16. Beautiful video. This is what GoPro is made for! I've been following Henry's channel for a while, getting my vicarious thrills :)
  17. Thanks Andrew. Was the kit bought from Aus agent or US? Rob
  18. The Savannah is pretty close to the Zenith isn't it? I'm guessing a 750 built from the kit with Rotax engine would be around $60k? Does that sound about right?
  19. Hi. I've been a member of the forum for some years but not active. I'm starting to look at building costs and hoped someone knowledgable can answer the question of just how much a Zenith CH750 would cost to build. Assume a kit without engine, and basic electronics. Thanks in advance. Rob
  20. Sad news. My old gliding club.
  21. Good performance by the PIC - they both kept their heads. Well done lads!
  22. Phildo no worries mate. Like I said, I know a couple of coppers and they are the most fun and tell the best (*worst*) jokes. Perhaps they need to do this to offset the job stress. I'm glad cops, and you have a sense of humour. It would be a sad world without it. I guess this thread has definitely raised all our awareness about the hazards you boys ( and girls ) in blue face. Cheers mate. :thumb_up:
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