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Everything posted by w3stie

  1. Airsick "The plane moves in one direction, while the conveyer moves in the opposite direction. This conveyer has a control system that tracks the plane speed and tunes the speed of the conveyer to be exactly the same (but in the opposite direction). " The thrust from the prop moves the plane forward *relative* to the belt surface, so as far as the wheels are concerned, it's moving. But according to your description, the conveyor increases it's backwards motion to keep the a/c stationary *relative to the scenery*. Assuming the air is attached to the scenery, not the conveyor, then the wings feel no airflow (except propwash). No airflow=nolift=noflight. For anyone claiming it can fly, can you please explain where the airflow is coming from over the wings??:)
  2. NO. Imagine you have taped wool tell-tales over the wings and at the tail. You rev it up to maximum thrust, and the conveyor speeds up to keep you in the same spot. You would observe the following; The engine is running full blast. The scenery is not moving. The undercarriage sounds like it's about to come apart. The tail telltales are streaming out behind in the prop wash. The wing telltales (and this is important) are strung out close to the fuse, but outside the propwash, they're hanging limply. The only airstream over the wing is from the propwash. There is no airflow over the wings proper. So the question is can this a/c fly in it's own propwash? I think not. You could find out by doing a full power run-up :)
  3. w3stie

    Bar jokes

    A man walks into a bar with a small dog under his arm, both dressed in Collingwood colours...hats,scarfs, everything. The bartender says "Oi, no dogs allowed". The guy pleads with the bartender, "He's my only mate in life, and we're both big Collingwood fans. The TV's on the blink at home, he's a well-behaved dog, can't we watch?" The bartender relents and says it's OK as long as he causes no trouble. He sits at the bar watching the game on the big TV with the dog on his lap, and nothing much happens until Collingwood scores a point. At this the dog jumps down, twirls around and jumps back up on to the guy's lap. Everyone thinks thaat's pretty cute. Eventually Collingwood scores a goal, and this time the dog jumps onto the bar, stands on his hind feet and moonwalks the length of the bar giving high-fives to the patrons. The owner thinks he's in trouble with the bartender, but the bartender is as amazed as everyone at this behaviour. He says to the dog's owner, "That's amazing, what does it do if Collingwood wins a game?" The guy says, "I don't know, I've only had him 12 years!"
  4. Browng, that's a sweet little aircraft. Did you fly across the Nullarbor or was that just a day-trip :)
  5. It's the Zlin Savage Cub. What type of Cub do you have?
  6. All my life I have lusted after a Ducati 750 sport. In my middle age, I have instead settled on this. But I'll get that Ducati one day.. and one of these. :)
  7. You'd also want to think about the possibilities of stock wandering onto it, or roos, flocks of birds either on the strip or in trees nearby etc.
  8. I think this is the australian dealer for the savage cub http://www.mcp.com.au/ I calculated a 51% kit with 912 at about $58000 AUD, but there's a cost calculator on the website. Does anyone else know anything about these a/c?
  9. Hi Rick How many other professions spend their spare time doing their 'job' ? :) Welcome to the site.
  10. I hope not Ian, it's all just good-natured fun. All joking aside, I've been married over 25 years and it's the foundation of my happiness. Flying is just a bonus. :)
  11. I must be doing it wrong. I mixed about 500ml of liquid pool chlorine with about 100 ml of brake fluid. It got hot and frothed up a bit. There was some smoke but pretty disappointing really. How is this done properly?
  12. Hahah Well Ian, at least you aren't going solo
  13. Yes but with sex at least I don't have to log a flight plan :)
  14. thruster, anyone who thinks flying is better than sex is either doing it wrong or older than 90 (apologies to anyone here over 90 :))
  15. Bush; Good night Condy. Rice; Good night Mr President.. oh, I almost forgot. Four Brazilian troops were killed today in Iraq. I thought you should know. Bush slumps down in his chair and slides to the floor. His hands come up to cover his face. He curls up and emits a long, soft high pitch keening wail of utter anguish. Several minutes pass.. Slowly, he gets onto his knees and emerges from behind his desk into view of those in the Oval Office, just his head and hands poking above the Presidential desk… He looks at Rice, with a puzzled expression on his face.. Bush; Condy, how many is a brazillion again?
  16. I love the pic of the DTA trike flying over water. I have a picture that I cannot post here, because it is only in my head. When I was learning gliding, I was in the front seat and the instructor in the back. We did spin recovery. Well the image of my feet, then 3000 feet of air then the brown australian scenery spinning around my feet will be a memory I will take to my grave. Marvellous stuff!
  17. Does anyone know where I can get a ride in a trike around Brisbane? I have a couple of weeks holiday in October and we're heading for Maroochydore, so I was hoping to find someone who could take me up. All these photos of people flying trikes looks too much fun to be true :) Mike, I used to glide at Boonah ages ago. It was in the 2 seat K7 K13 and the old T53 back then. I did my solo at DDSC, but haven't glid for a while. Is that a DG-300 you've got there?
  18. Does anyone know where I can get copies of the DVD of the trike flights mentioned earlier in this thread, or any good trike DVD's? It looks like a lot of fun.
  19. Terry now that is why I want to keep flying ;)
  20. Hmm. As someone said on the pprune site I think we all understand it is necessary to maintain security, but there is a strong feeling in the community that the APEC security has been completely over the top. Ben Franklin said "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Wise man.
  21. Looks like a Victa Air tourer
  22. I was buying some port in a wine shop once and was chatting with the sales clerk. I told her we were having cigars and dipping the end in port was really nice. She was amazed and asked which end did we dip!
  23. Some new socks New jocks Woolly slippers a new bbq set Ferrari GG50 new ventolin inhaler the new Kylie CD That's it really.
  24. One christmas, years ago, we bought our two young sons walkie-talkie headsets. They were headsets with a microphone attached, so you could just walk around and chat to the other party. The in-laws came over for christmas lunch as usual, and I was outside with the headsets on. A voice came on saying "hello, hello do you read me?" I recognised my wife's voice (I thought), and said in my best professional way "Hello, I'd like to get into your knickers, over." The other party then disconnected abruptly, just as I walked around the corner of our house and saw my wife hanging up the washing, sans headphones. You know that hot prickly feeling you get on your neck when you've done something really stupid? I got that in my whole body. I grabbed her and said, "Tell me you were just talking to me on the headphones". She said no! I had been talking to my mother-in-law. Nothing was ever said. True story.
  25. A couple of months ago it was droning around our place, near Archerfield. It's really something to see when it flies over at <1000' around dusk. All lit up from inside. Brilliant. I've grown used to the the sound of the usual GA aircraft, but when I hear something different, I usually dash outside to have a look. There's a fair variety of a/c flying around archerfield.
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