A man walks into a bar with a small dog under his arm, both dressed in Collingwood colours...hats,scarfs, everything. The bartender says "Oi, no dogs allowed". The guy pleads with the bartender, "He's my only mate in life, and we're both big Collingwood fans. The TV's on the blink at home, he's a well-behaved dog, can't we watch?"
The bartender relents and says it's OK as long as he causes no trouble. He sits at the bar watching the game on the big TV with the dog on his lap, and nothing much happens until Collingwood scores a point. At this the dog jumps down, twirls around and jumps back up on to the guy's lap. Everyone thinks thaat's pretty cute. Eventually Collingwood scores a goal, and this time the dog jumps onto the bar, stands on his hind feet and moonwalks the length of the bar giving high-fives to the patrons.
The owner thinks he's in trouble with the bartender, but the bartender is as amazed as everyone at this behaviour. He says to the dog's owner, "That's amazing, what does it do if Collingwood wins a game?" The guy says, "I don't know, I've only had him 12 years!"