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Everything posted by 68volksy

  1. Why do we insist on inventing such horrific activities!
  2. Not sure who you were talking to that said there was no FTF? Teraya's flying every weekend and has an instructor who does most of the GA flying and another who does some recreational instructing along with her. My advice would be to ring her and see if she'd like an extra instructor. There's always a better business result in working together than spending all the time and effort trying to compete for a very limited market.
  3. I mentioned it on another thread but if anyone's interested in attending a CASA briefing on the changes then you can contact one of their "Aviation Safety Advisors" (ASA's) who'll be presenting seminars over the next couple of months at various clubhouses and RSL's around the country. They're free and you usually get a feed also! We have an ASA here in Goulburn who was at the airport on the weekend talking about the changes so if anyone would like to contact her for dates/times etc. you can email [email protected] .
  4. My instructor pointed out the training area on a map and then showed a road that was about 3 miles out (the training area's only 4-5 miles away) that we all give our inbound radio calls at. You'll find some geographical feature's generally used by your school i'd say.
  5. The radio calls are pretty simple stuff from my view. Especially in the circuit. They're like indicators on cars - you don't need them but it helps if people use them. I find it second nature to look before you move and give a radio call when all is clear. I use my cars indicators in the same manner. Funny how you can lose your driving licence if you don't use your indicators a half dozen times but people can get away without making radio calls indefinitely. Comes down to the flying community to keep people in line at the end of the day.
  6. Surely someone flying around without a radio would rather as much information regarding your whereabouts as possible though. I think it's good practice to provide as much information as humanly possible to help keep myself and others safe. If this means doing something that is not considered mandatory why wouldn't you? Radio calls are purely for the safety of yourself and those around you - not just to meet AIP requirements.
  7. Just speaking to one of our friendly CASA aviation safety advisors and she is more than happy to handle any queries. She confirmed that all the correct calls were made and it was right to do so unless operational requirements preclude the making of calls. Quoted the AIP as printed above. She also thought it prudent to point out that CTAF procedures would be changing on the 3rd of June and that those of us who use CTAF's should get along to one of their presentations over the next few months. The changes are pretty minor from what I understand but it's good to stay current. Her name's Teraya and you can contact her on 0434 558 088 or [email protected]. She can put you in touch with the person running your local presentation if needed.
  8. It could be worthwhile reporting the matter to CASA if the 210 gave you a registration number. Something for them to put on their file anyway. If the guy is known to them (good chance by the sound of it) they'll give him some grief. The guy would have no chance in hell of convincing the CASA CEO to reduce any requirement to make radio calls. There pushing to make radios more widely used and necessary. A good thing as traffic continues to increase in my view
  9. Hi All, Just to let you all know that there will be CASA Avsafety evening at Goulburn on the 14th October at 6pm. There will also be a guest speaker from the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Please RSVP to me via PM or email or to Teraya Miller on 0434 558 088 or [email protected] Hope to see you there!
  10. Hi Darky, Goulburn Aviation is the school at Goulburn. Numbers are 02 4821 7798 or 0418 165 813. Email is [email protected]. They're open mostly on weekends as Teraya has another job but they'll fit you in. Cheers.
  11. Hi All, If any of you have ever visited the Southern Highlands or flown in Australia you have probably come into some contact with Mr Austin Cummins. Austin has been training and testing pilots since the dawn of flight it would seem. Certainly before I was a twinkle in my Fathers eye. Austin has decided to retire from being an Authorised Testing Officer at the end of August 2009. To celebrate the contribution of one of the most passionate and experienced aviators in these areas there will be a "Farewell Extravaganza" held for Austin. Venue: The Goulburn Aviation hanger at Goulburn Airport. Date: 12th of September 2009 Time: 12.00pm. RSVP: to Teraya Miller or PM to me by 5th of August. Hope that you can make it!
  12. Futura, Our club was created under a new name primarily because the old Goulburn Aero Club had not operated or lodged annual returns for over 7 years. The Office of Fair Trading advised that the penalties for using this old club would be many. The only other "club" at Goulburn is Tony's Aero Club which is a private company not a club. Anyone who has visited the airport in the past 20 years would know of the history of the clubs that existed and the "Goulburn Airport wars". We were formed as an attempt to rise above the cluttered past. I don't like beating our own drum but if you have not consulted our club regarding this development then you simply cannot say that you have consulted local aviators. Our new club has around 50 members. The years flying that I mentioned relate to half a dozen members of the club who have each been active at Goulburn airport for over 50 years. We have another one of our members about to top the 30,000 hour mark in the next year or so. If you wish to start a new club and attempt to return to the dark days of clubs in Goulburn then it will be on your head. If you feel that trampling over the top of the existing aviators is a better option than trying to work with them then so be it. I will not lose sleep on the matter. We already have a clubhouse and access to well-maintained aircraft so you may need to look deeper into your treasury box if you seek to woo members with trinkets and baubles. Our club exists primarily for the purposes of aviation for recreation. If a developer comes along without consulting us and proposes a development that may have safety consequences or threaten our long-term options for flying then we must speak out. You have chosen the path of trampling those with alternative views. Perhaps if you had contacted us or come to one of the monthly BBQ's in the past 10 years you could have presented us with the positive side and taken away some feedback on our safety concerns.
  13. There are only 2 Council employees who would rather not have an airport. The rest couldn't care as it doesn't effect them in the slightest. The airport is 80 years young - there's plenty of life in the old girl yet!
  14. If there had been any chance for a local aviator to have input then I may be a happier man. The Aero Club was not even asked for comment. No-one seems to recognise the fact that Goulburns a windy place. With the amount of wind turbines in a 15 mile radius from the airport you'd think someone might figure it out. The airport was originally designed in the 1920's and further constructed in the 1940's to allow for buildings in the safest place with this wind in mind. I know it's not a consideration for the big boys out there but those of us in smaller planes appreciate as little turbulence as possible on takeoff and landing. The land set aside for safe development is still vacant. Doesn't it make sense to use this up first?
  15. 1. The section you quote refers to the minimum constructed pavement width of the taxiway. If you look at 6.3.12 you will see that the entire taxiway strip must be at least 21.5 metres either side of the centre line for a "B" aircraft or 26m either side of the centre line for a "C" class aircraft. You have allowed only 10 metres either side of the centre line as the taxiway strip. With the wing span of a Metro coming in at almost 18 metres it's asking for trouble. 2. If safety is paramount why is there a detention pond being placed under the flight path? 3. What use is flying experience all over the world when you have locals alone with over 50 years flying experience in Goulburn? Coming in to runway 22 with a strong north-westerly blowing over 72 hectares of aircraft hangers will have dire consequences. Anyone with local knowledge could have told you that.
  16. Hi All, If any of you have ever visited the Southern Highlands or flown in Australia you have probably come into some contact with Mr Austin Cummins. Austin has been training and testing pilots since the dawn of flight it would seem. Certainly before I was a twinkle in my Fathers eye. Austin has decided to retire from being an Authorised Testing Officer at the end of August 2009. To celebrate the contribution of one of the most passionate and experienced aviators in these areas there will be a "Farewell Extravaganza" held for Austin. Venue: The Goulburn Aviation hanger at Goulburn Airport. Date: 12th of September 2009 Time: 12.00pm. RSVP: to Teraya Miller or PM to me by 5th of August. Hope that you can make it!
  17. The lots currently available at the airport are between $40-70k depending on size.
  18. I thought use of the Metro would require taxiways a minimum of 53 metres wide in accordance with the Manual of Standards? From discussions with CASA they have not had any input into the design. Also a little concerned about the 34 megalitre dam right under the flight path. Could attract a lot of birds? Seems a pure money grab with no mention or attention paid to the safety of pilots and their passengers. There's 16 freehold lots up for sale at the airport by Council by the sound of things also that already have power and sewerage.
  19. They sold it to a shelf company with a grand total of $3 in funds. I don't think they'll even get the remainder of the deposit (they deferred half the deposit until settlement). That said they will retain the amount of the deposit already received which should be enough to run it for a year or two... I think you'd be looking at well over a million dollars over the past 13 years. It cost them over $500,000 to reseal/upgrade the runway to the purchasers specifications as their part of the contract requirements. At least Corporate Air will be happy with that. The rest of us don't need that much runway.
  20. The airport sale has officially fallen through. Latest news is that Council will soon re-commence the whole process again. I can't believe the stamina and determination of the Council employees. This whole idea first fell through in 1996! I really do just wish this would end so we have some certainty one way or the other.
  21. There have been several mentions of the "us and them" mentality between RA and GA flying on here. From my understanding the people who created this mentality are those who created RA-Aus. GA has been evolving for over 100 years with its primary focus over those years being safety regardless of cost. RA-Aus was created (and I will say rightly so) to allow for Recreational flyers to avoid a large part of that cost. Hence it became "us and them". In avoiding that cost the only sacrifice that was made was safety (training also being an inherent factor in safety). I think that a persons individual right to choose the situations in which they place themselves is important however the impact on that person on others is so much more important. Now it seems that RA-Aus wants to begin again where GA began in the early 1900's. If we continue down this path we will no doubt see, over the next hundred years or so, some RA aircraft fall into populated areas, some passengers getting killed, loads of the associated press and pressure on those in power to stop it from ever happening again. Exactly the same situations through which the safety and training requirements of GA has evolved. Why on earth do we want to start this over again? My two cents is that GA exists for a purpose as does RA. Let's keep it that way. If a situation arises where the two arenas clash then make a grown-up decision to go one way or the other, respect the rights of the non-aviation community and stop trying to bend the world. Either way you can still fly.
  22. You guys need to keep in mind that a lot of pilots in Goulburn are older guys who are coming into aviation for the first time at the age of 55 or such or who are retired and will not be rushed. No offence intended to the old timers out there. Many of these guys travel from Sydney and Canberra specifically to avoid the extra pressure. They will do everything by the book and failing a specific law stating exactly how a circuit must be flown they will do as they please. My father is learning to fly there and often wondered in his first few hours whether he's lining up to land on the freeway instead of the airport. I know from first hand evidence that he cannot be rushed in any way however. The patience that Teraya possesses in teaching guys like Dad to fly is nothing short of amazing. Watching him improve in his own time with slight nudges in the right direction has been very rewarding. He seems to have loved every moment also. We're a relaxed bunch at Goulburn who find joy in flying. Why on earth would we want to rush things?
  23. My understanding is the contract states that they have to engage a weeds contractor - a licenced person is required to keep the weeds at bay. So they have to present an agreement with a contractor to Councils solicitors to satisfy this condition. It was settlement in full that was meant to occur on the 30th. The contract was altered prior to being exchanged to allow for only a 5% deposit. From the latest news Domain has provided a deposit bond through a third party lender. If the sale does not settle then this third party lender will be asking for their money.
  24. Domain Corp have yet to plant 100 trees, install the tie downs, engage a weeds contractor and find $2.5million. They've had 6 months to commence any of these activities but as yet nothing has occurred. All annual landing fees expired last Tuesday also and there is no word from anyone about what the new fees might be or indeed who will be collecting them. When Domain Corp (Goulburn Airport) was originally established it had 4 shareholders who I would assume each put in about $30,000 to cover the bond on the sale. Either that or they used a deposit bond and will have the issuer of that bond on their heels very soon also. Unfortunately with the level of Councils ineptitude currently I wouldn't be surprised if they gave them an extension of time. The outlook is not very good if this happens - the new owners couldn't plant 100 saplings in 6 months, heaven only knows how competent they'll be at running a registered airport...
  25. Quick update. The letter states that it is an informal meeting with ALL airport land owners and users. So it would appear that all and sundry may be welcome. The contact for the meeting is Kosta Tomaras (the new owner). I have an email and phone number however I don't know if I should be posting these on the public forum so PM me if you'd like his details. If I can post them on the forum can someone say and I will.
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