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Everything posted by 68volksy

  1. Thanks, From the last couple of days discussions with Councillors and employees we may have to concede that the airport will eventually be sold. However if we kick up a big enough stink we may be able to save the access to it for future generations. If we can get the Aero Club's and other recreational users rights protected in some way (through the retention of the grass strip or some other legal means) then both the Council and ourselves may walk away happy. But we need to make them sit up and listen!! So if anyone on here who has not already sent a letter could please do so it would help immensely. They're an old guard of Councillors who seem truly shocked and a little proud when someone outside of Goulburn takes an interest in activities. And please start talking about this with others - if we lose this i'll be driving to go flying for longer than i'll be spending flying!! Thanks again, Tim Allen
  2. My apologies, The BBQ will be held this Saturday the 1st of September. Usually warm it up about midday. Ad goes into local community event section of paper tomorrow. Thanks, Tim.
  3. Hi Matt, Our major gripe with Council has been the lack of any feedback whatsoever. As such I cannot provide answers to any of those questions. Based on the lack of feedback we've had to adopt the stance of assuming the worst. None of the developers have approached us as yet either to provide any insight. The general view (assuming the worst) is the eventual closing of the airport and subdivision of the land into industrial lots as is occurring with the Southern Distribution Business Park a couple of hundred metres down the road. The Council is talking several million dollars from what we can gather which makes the question of how an investor is going to make any money all the more important. I've only been involved out at the airport for 6 months or so and we only started the club about 3 months ago. There was a small group out there who preferred to keep to themselves. Fair enough considering the amount of politics that was involved in the past - there were 2 clubs actively slandering each other at one stage out there by the sound of things! There's a BBQ on the 1st Saturday of each month which has been run by Goulburn Aviation (the flying school) which all are welcome to attend. This saturday we've advertised the BBQ and the local paper will be out there taking photos so i'd like to extend an invitation to everyone to join us for a BBQ around midday. The more happy smiling aviators we can muster the better!! Thanks, Tim.
  4. Hi all, I'm Vice-president of the Southern Highlands Aero Club based in Goulburn. Council decided some months ago that it would be in the best interests of Goulburn to sell the airport. Their main issues have been the cost of running the airport (although they have never been able to provide us with reliable figures), that they don't know how to run an airport (as if changing light bulbs and mowing the lawn is beyond them) and that the community of Goulburn wants the airport sold. We're actively trying to canvas support for the retention of the airport. We've held off the sale for several months but it is getting down to the nitty gritty now. I've copied the email and postal addresses of the Goulburn Post (the local newspaper) and Goulburn Mulwaree Council below. If anyone out there could help us to save our airport through writing a short letter in support of retaining the airport in Council hands it would be very much appreciated. Any ideas on how Council could make the airport more viable would also help. If you have any further queries you can contact me through here or on 0421 285 423. If you could forward the Aero Club a copy of the letters it would be great. Our faith in this Council and their methods is questionable at best. Goulburn Post: The Editor PO Box 152 Goulburn NSW 2580 email: [email protected] fax: (02) 4822 1607 Goulburn Mulwaree Council: The General Manager Locked Bag 22 Goulburn NSW 2580 Southern Highlands Aero Club: The Secretary PO Box 1166 Goulburn NSW 2580 Thanking everyone, Tim Allen
  5. Thanks to all for the welcome. Looking forward to seeing that Vampire up this way!
  6. Hi, Based in Goulburn NSW, first solo last week and still can't get enough of this flying thing. Currently going the PPL route in a Warrior but have had a couple of flights now in a Gazelle and must say I will most definitely be getting the Certificate also. Thanks for the forum - looks great!
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