The Caboolture Aero Club, in conjunction with the Queensland Vintage Aircraft Group has selected Sunday November 29th for the annual Antique Aircraft Association of Australia Toy Run, at Caboolture Airport
Last year we floated the idea of soliciting financial contributions, rather than toys, and for the raised funds to be devoted to Angel Flight. We saw this as being more achievable in terms of distribution and usefulness, and as being directly related to our activities.
Many of our flying colleagues provide their aircraft and their time to Angel flight, and are only reimbursed for their fuel: provided, of course, that the Angel Flight Coffers have the funds to pay for the fuel, and this is where we can all help
The Aero Club will have morning teas and lunch available at a reasonable cost, part of the cost of which will go to Angel Flight and you are asked to participate and to take the opportunity of giving back by making a financial contribution equivalent to the amount you would have spent on a toy.
So, aircraft and car owners, vintage and otherwise, Angel Flight owners/ pilots, please put Caboolture on your calendars for November 29th
The action starts any time after first light on the day
Parking assistance will be available
In the event of inclement weather which could render the runways boggy a go/ no go decision will be made by noon of the day before, Sat 28th, and will be posted on the club’ website
On behalf of the Caboolture Aero Club
Ray Vuillermin
0409 584-574
[email protected]