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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Fantastic Hi Yenn. Yes, we all had a fantastic time and we were all very well looked after by Ron, Helen, Lynne, Kiwi & Leonie. But please don't ask me about the Karaoke.....!!!!!!! I must be the only person in the world where someone has been singing Karaoke and was instructed to put down the mic and step away......!!!!!! But the more Bundy & Cokes I drink the more I sound like Frank Sinatra, I did it my way...........Go figure...... I look forward to the next time we go to Raglan. It is my longest XC to date, at over 500NM and some 8.7 hrs on the clock in total. And to fly in company with other aircraft & friends, it doesn't get much better than that, does it? Until my next "Guess The Airstrip". Cheers. Sean.
  2. Lock it in Eddy, I mean Yenn Give that man a cigar...... Congratulations Yenn, it is indeed RWY33 YBRK A number of us flew out of YCAB to spend a few days at Raglan and we also went to Rocky for a day trip to see the MIG and an RV in final stage of a build. The photo of RWY33 Approach was taken from a “Sud Horizon” Model # GY80. Attached is a photo of our aircrafts parked at Raglan. CU Sean.
  3. Temperature going up. You are getting warmer. Sean.
  4. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Nice try but no cigar. And we have gone way back to freezing point, brrrrrrrr...... Sean
  5. Overshoot We have gone from one extreme to another and have completely melted. You now have to do a 180 of sorts. Good luck. Sean.
  6. Temperature rising. You have now gone from cold to cool. Sean.
  7. Cold Sorry, no prize there. I will give you a little hint. Nowra is cold, go north to get warmer. Sean.
  8. Air tractor Not nice..... I'll tell the owner what you said about his lovely aircraft. And it is a lovely aircraft at that too. Sean.
  9. ????? Happy guessing....
  10. Great footage, fantastic soundtrack. Flying & Pink Floyd, doesn't get any better than that...!!!
  11. Cost you nothing at all. If I have a spare seat you are more than welcome. Send me a PM with your contact details and we'll set something up in the near future. Sean.
  12. My 2 cents worth. Hi Stretch. I know you will be very satisfied with the Tecnam Echo & Pro Sky Caboolture, I know I was. And once you have mastered the Echo jump into the Sierra. Then once you have mastered the Sierra, think about getting your tailwheel endorsement in the Piper Cub at Caboolture Recreational. YCAB is a great place to learn to fly at and to fly from. And if you want, PM me and we can arrange a day and I'll take you flying in the A22 Foxbat. Sean.
  13. Tag along If you are going to this event and are from/near/going past Caboolture, let me know. A mate of mine is flying down there and is looking for others to form a "tag along". Cheers. Sean.
  14. Gees that only took 5 minutes, is that some sort of a record for "Guess the Airstrip"? Yes, Amberley it is, first day of the air show. My next "Guess the Airstrip" will be less obvious, I hope. Safe flying to all. Sean.
  15. ???????? Hi All. I have been waiting to go somewhere special before posting my first one on this thread. But then again flying anywhere is somewhere special, isn't it? Sorry about not being picture perfect but I think its pretty obvious. It was a great day and to get to fly there was just fantastic. Happy guessing. Sean.
  16. Ever seen a 47 year old man engulfed in a concert to the point where his wife & son were just as engulfed too. It was fantastic, we were 3rd row to the right at the Brisbane concert. Tip: try flying with "Wish you were here" playing in the headphones. Been a PF fan since ever and will be forever. Sean.
  17. Hi Peter. 1. A22 FoxBat - current aircraft, Caboolture syndicate, 80kts cruise, handles very well, just love it. 2. SupaPup 447 - just sold her (my share/Caboolture syndicate), ex Grafton, single seat taildragger, external pull start, 60kts cruise, low & slow. Fond memories......... 3. Tecnam Echo P92S - trainer aircraft ProSky Caboolture, very forgiving and would have to be for me to learn to fly in her, an absolute pleasure to fly and a fantastic flying school too, thanks Zane. 4. Piper CUB L4 - got my tailwheel endorsement in her, handswing start, fly from the rear seat, very nice especially with the top hatch open and tracking up Bribie Island beach, lots of history & a great experience, cheers Bill. 5. Drifter A503 - did an introductory hour in her with Peter CFI Kooralbyn QLD. My first experience in a taildragger and I was pedaling those rudder pedals on the ground roll like a push bike. Great experience with being "right out there" at the pointy end and the wind in your face. If you need any other info, you can contact me on [email protected] Sean. :thumb_up:
  18. Hi. In the last twelve months & in order of most hours: 1. A22 FoxBat 2. SupaPup 447 3. Tecnam Echo P92S 4. Piper CUB L4 5. Drifter A503 Sean.
  19. Hi Crezzi. I have decided not to use Orchid Beach now. I am going to use the Wangoolba airstrip just south of Kingfisher. CU Sean.
  20. Hi. Sorry, didn't get her name but the number I rang was 07 41279266.
  21. Hi. Has anyone used the Orchid Beach Fraser Island airstrip? And what type of aircraft did you fly in? BTW: I rang them and they told me ultralights are not permiited to use the strip. Ta. Sean.
  22. Ta Fantastic, thanks.
  23. Hi Frank. I have asked around about Dene but no luck so far. I am thinking of going to Goodwin fly in, are you? Sean.
  24. Hi. No I don't that name but I will ask around for you. Sean.
  25. Frank. Yes, Caboolture is very popular with recreational type aircraft. It is idealy located with beaches/ocean/Islands/mounains & valleys all a stone throw away. We are very lucky indeed. Whereabouts are you? Sean.
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