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Everything posted by Diggler

  1. Am now 75 and RAAus want a Dr's statement that I'm fit to "drive a private vehicle". Sent them my CASA class five and was rejected as it did not satisfy their rules. All a bit silly. My GA BFR is good enough for RAAus, so why shouldn't my CASA class 5 medical suffice as well? Cost > $100 to visit the GP to fix the problem. Harmonization is what we should aim for with these basic requirements.
  2. Wondered much the same so emailed Microair: G’day Microair Sounds like an affordable upgrade however do you not have to have Mode S capabilities in order to be fully ADSB compliant? Regards Thanks for your email. The short answer is no. The complicated answer is…. Mode S provides ADSB In and Out but more importantly communicates a significant amount of additional aircraft vector information. Australia is one of very few countries (I actually don’t know any others) where you can no longer buy a Mode A/C on new certified installations (you’re allowed only a Mode S). We are currently challenging CASA but it may take some time to reverse the Mode S decision for LSA operators. However, for customers with existing Mode A/C installations, then the minimum requirement set by our NAA is for an ADS-B Out device only. The government is now trying to improve the number of ADS-B Out compliant aircraft because (as you can imagine) not everyone has jumped onboard the Mode S bandwagon. It is why we are not currently selling a new T2000ADSB in Australia but only providing the upgrade should you already have an installed T2000SFL. In most other countries the minimum requirement for operating outside of Class A airspace is only for an ADS-B Out compliant transponder, and the response to our new product has been exceptionally positive seeing as the price includes a GPS source and encoder as one neat lightweight package… Hope this helps Cheers George Pesce Group General Manager Microair Avionics and Intelligent Transport Systems
  3. They can. Costs $150 and they will want 2 years of aircraft log book entries.
  4. QBE seem quite at ease to renew my insurance for my 19 registered Jab just this week. My no claim discount remains and there are no caveats to the cover. Methinks scuttlebutt prevails in the preceding posts regarding insurance.
  5. Not so sure about that - some are significant. Checkout the changes to recommended max oil pressure for hydraulic lifter engines. Down from 76psi to 51psi
  6. Now I've found the forums, I find the threads no longer remember your last read.
  7. G'day Andy You do both Dynon and Microair a disservice. Their premade looms are all Tefzel. As Mardy has commented, the only non Tefzel is on the Garmin supplied cable. Regards Rod
  8. Definately relevant - maintenance is a major consideration. The layout of the panel is such that it can be released from the instrument console (7 screws), laid forward, and then all multi pin connectors disconnected. This allows the panel to be maintained away from the aircraft in a more "controlled environment" like a work bench. Worth noting that no two connectors are the same thus it should be not possible to screw up the reinstallation.
  9. Thanks John, Your positive feedback is much appreciated. Apart from the occasional chat with my TC, home building can be a singular experience. The occasional pat on the back is a real bonus and also serves to calm the life partners (unfounded?) concerns. Wire is indeed Tefzel. In fact I have replaced the Jabiru supplied non-Tefzal strobe wiring with M27500-22TE3T14 as well, to keep the whole project using approved materials. Regards Rod
  10. Hey Mardy, What sort of Jab is it - we should compare notes some time Cheers Rod
  11. Nah. More like this.No smoke was released on the application of power!
  12. You could join the SAAA. They have a set of 3 calibrated scales and alls you pay for is the cost of transporting them to and from your site. Cheers Rod
  13. You might check out Flight Planning - Pilot Resources from Airborne Aviation Also an XL approach which seems to work
  14. G'day all Been an occasional watcher of this forum for a while but it's now time to declare myself. All made possible by the apparent "mirror site" http://ultralight.net.au/ Found it on a Google search for Rec Aviation sites and bingo! The corporate IT police don't know about it and I can get in at work. I flew a little GA many years ago but last year, after a break of 20 years, took to RA from YBRS and got back to the FUN side of aviation. Cheers Rod
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