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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Because you can't underestimate how stupid people are/can be.
  2. Sorry if it has already been seen, but it is funny.
  3. Found it just now on the tube of ewes. Also I don't think the clips go with the audio.
  4. But I couldn't remember enough of the thread's title. I (for the sake of trying) did a search on the search offered above and entered a better search and I did find it. But I couldn't remember enough of the thread's title. I (for the sake of trying) did a search on the search offered above and entered a better search and I did find it.
  5. Don't worry mate. No offence taken. I am just (sorry: was) stuck finding the post. As said: I tried but the mechanics of the search engine are beyond me.
  6. Oh, ok. Silly me. Sorry, I kinda didn't parse it as being puny. No problems.
  7. Thank you very much. If it isn't pushing it, what trick did you do with the search? I tried but was going in circles.
  8. Yes: Shame on me. I though I copied the important stuff and so didn't bother much after that. Now I want to find that stuff, I can't so I thought I would look here. But I fear the "archive" is not that long. And I get it. I looked in my notifications and none of them really stood out as the one for which I was/am searching. It was levels of failure terms. From ALL GOOD, to INOP.
  9. Anyone seen these yet
  10. The US has one similar though - yeah? Can't remember the name, but it is basically the same shape. I saw it back in '94 do a flyby at Oshkosh. B2
  11. Just saw it. Not bad. Thoughts? What kind of plane was it? Yeah, I could look it up but just to socialise with the flying community. It has the rear ramp for passengers. 2 engine at the end. I suspect L10-11 or a DC.... something.
  12. Ch 7 news tonight. China has a new top secret jet.... Details to follow. Details: It is triangular It has 3 engines It can fly to the edge of space Though: we have not details of the aircraft. Puts head in open hands. What has news become?
  13. Sorry, I have no more details than posted.
  14. A suggestion would be to look at the aircraft and see if there are prop strike marks. On which plane and where. That would go a long way to determine who hit who. (Though that is dependent if such strike marks exist and are found)
  15. Yeah, ok.... We (all of us) are now making this a pissing contest. It happened. People died. How it EXACTLY happened: no one will ever know. But we need to learn from it. I hope that doesn't mean we all have to fly million dollar planes. (to say)
  16. Has CASA looked at the radios of both planes yet? (Ah, the old days when you had dials to set the radio frequency. These days you need to apply power to the radio as the frequency is shown on the display.) 😉
  17. (Not at thruster88) So if the Cessna was in the circuit why wasn't it on the Oaks frequency?
  18. How do I do that - please. Don't worry. Worked it out. For anyone who is interested:
  19. Facthunter..... Yes, I agree. But it is/are these things which contribute to things happening. It is not THE cause of the accident, but they are factors which align the holes in the cheese. That with other factors allow nasty things to happen. Well..... There are time when it does make the big plane crash... (Oh, I miss AirCrash Investigations)
  20. I so much agree with you onetrack. The CFI is testing you and he is concentrating on doing that. When near airports this can lead to task overload on both parties. More of the Swiss cheese holes lining up.
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