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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Yeah, ok, sorry. Got ahead of myself a bit.
  2. I'll bite. How can that work? Sure: When they did the fence there was a 12 degree magnetic variation. That was then. Now it is 16.5. So the fence won't run to cardinal points. Be they magnetic or true.
  3. That isn't an easy accent to shake though. Depending on .... Oh. Living in Oz for 60 years. Yeah, well I knew someone who was here about that time too. They had a heavy accent.
  4. Well, if you fly in circles, you don't get to see that much. I know that. :)
  5. Gee, I thought I was smart, and started to study navigation stuff.... try to get a degree or two. Seems I am not as smart as I thought. The compass has three hundred and sixty degrees. Shessh! I can't compete with that.
  6. I have heard that name before but can't think where. But knowing me, it is probably a whole other "Mark Bennette" of whom I am thinking.
  7. I am trying! I **AM** trying! But they are complicated things. And I believe costly pets as well.
  8. I'm a bloke and single. Why would I read New Idea?
  9. I saw on the news today that he (Mark) is taking a woman from Wadonga to QLD. He is in Bankstown. Good on you Mark!
  10. On a more serious note: I've been watching a lot of the videos....... I am not seeing the ailerons moving when the planes turn. Yes, one of them I did see the elevators moving, but only a little. I have watched planes turn, roll and all that stuff. I can't see any aileron movement at all. It is just me, or what?
  11. I saw the recent youtube clip of someone flying in Sydney. Yes it is nice and very much better than FS9. But what an insult to the SHB. (Coat hanger)
  12. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN? Unless the plane was flying so fast they didn't see the balloon..... (Not really. It was a small plane with 3 PAX, so not mil' spec') The balloon was invisible....... The pilot had their eyes closed........ Shudder.
  13. Gee that is a lot of CD's - or even DVD's.
  14. Thanks. It does look nice. Probably as good as FS9 was to it's previous version. Though FSX was a big leap too. But wow! 150GB of HD space! And I would guess that Australia is still pretty poorly mapped. I really need to get back into that side of things, but it has been about 18 years since I have played with a MS machine for any serious time.
  15. Ok. Probably just getting a drink here then.
  16. Well, that's what I heard. Just asking.
  17. Talking to other people who live near Mascot, I heard that one day (not too long ago) the Antanov took off. It was bringing in a turbine for the "Snowy2" scheme. Did anyone here see it? I also heard that then the turbine had to be trucked to ..... the snowy.
  18. (Supposedly last week) A Big FULLY ORANGE plane too off from Sydney. Runway 34. Daytime. Who/what would that be?
  19. OME, cargo planes usually have their company name on them. This was B L A N K I think (can't be sure) Yampy would be more correct. But on that, I have never noticed them before. Granted I wasn't looking for them, but there again, I DO walk around with my eyes open, so it does confuse me why I haven't seen it before.
  20. I was in Lane Cove (Sydney) driving. So I couldn't get a picture. An unpainted A340 was on final for 16 Sydney. Ok, I didn't get to see him for a long time, but I saw it was a "skinny" 4 engine plane. So it wasn't a Jumbo. Could be a 707, but I don't think so. No paint job at all. Why would "they" be sending an unpainted A340 into Sydney?
  21. Errrrr, Given the Covid condition, how about you put those flights on hold? We don't want people from Victoria coming here.
  22. So after reading the two pages of this thread: What's the go when you are flying along - with a CO detector installed - and it goes off? Other than opening windows (No, not a microsoft reference) then what?
  23. Sorry..... Gee, nice landing. I wonder how many people spilled their coffee? ;) He got 'em down. A bit of an excursion, but.... The plane was (looks) serviceable.
  24. Errrr, if I make a new computer from scratch "retiring the old FS" would not be needed as it would be a new build.
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