Just a couple of things:
If rego become/s: VH-XXX, there is going to be a problem.
Now, RAA are 19- 24- 55- and something else. Also they are numbers, not letters.
Not that it will be a blanket change, but this will put more planes in the VH- range.
Not that that is a problem for the owners, but systemically there will be a problem.
And guess who pay for fixing these kind of problems ONCE they have happened? The users!
Oh, a PS at the start:
(Yeah, ok I am not one of these bookface people, (I kinda have a life) and though it may be "the way" think about this: If it is a company, they would have a website set up as well - if not first. Why haven't they got a WEB PAGE? Forget the excuses: We haven't got around to it, etc. If they are serious, all that would have been done as a matter of fact and be done by this stage. So if they can't get that sequence right, what else aren't they getting right?)
That is a whole can of worms.
WHO are these people? REALLY??!!
Although "our" system has "problems" (voting, politics, etc) NO SYSTEM IS PERFECT, and excluding these from the new system may look good, but it WILL have problems.
"We" vote on things which are (though sometimes not easily seen) to do with us! The rules which control where were we fly, the weight, altitude and all that kind of stuff.
Those things are part and parcel of the "game of flying". Similar to the rego for your car.
So these 50 people CONTROL the system. You are a CLIENT - as stated - so you have less say.
Here is an analogy and I hope it is right - or I will look a bit silly. (I can live with that I guess. Done it for all my life so far.)
1 - You buy a car outright. It is YOURS! You have to pay rego, insurance, etc. But you can drive it on what ever road you want and any problems are YOURS.
2 - You go into a syndicate where a few of your "mates" also chip in for the car. All in all, it is "yours" as in, you know the people who own it. You all chip in for communal rego, and other costs, and pay for petrol as needed.
This is nice in the beginning, but as time goes on problems appear.
"You are driving the car more than the rest" "The dent wasn't there when I left the car" "Who drove the car and didn't check the oil first?" "You are driving the car a lot less than expected" and so on.
But you still KNOW (well, that is now up for debate) the people.
Money divides the group and friendships are lost. It does happen.
3 - You rent a car from a company, as needed. It only costs you to drive it per kilometre. But it COSTS more / KM than if you bought it in example 1.
The cost can change at the company's will (remember what happened with the GREEN SLIPS for cars). You have no say. When you take it back, THEY dictate the cost you pay. Fighting it is an expensive proposition. If you don't like it, go to "another" rent-a-car company and have the EXACT SAME THING done to you, just differently. I am sure you get the meaning.
As CLIENTS your rights are restricted and though this will be glossed over when you "sign here" you REALLY should get a microscope (forget the magnifying glass) and go over it quite a few times.
Sure it may be better, but it also may be worse. I am not trying to be an antagonist, but before things change: "We" need to really know the BIG PICTURE of what is going on.
Is this simply a grab by people for money? They set up a Pty Ltd and they are NOT linked to the financial happenings. (Ltd kinda gives it away.)
They get members, site new (different?) rules and things "go south". WHO is liable?
I'm not saying the answers are any easier now with what we have. But further complicating it does NOT make it easier.
Sure it would be nice if it makes it SIMPLER, but honestly? People higher up the food chain won't let that happen.
Please be careful in your choices. This is simply an external view, and though some may see it as biased, believe me: It isn't. It is calling it as I see it.
Sure it may be a poor reflection on me as a person, but standing in judgement of me for that is more a poor reflection of yourself than of me. NO ONE is perfect.
I wish you all well in the outcome.