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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Woah! So the event happend at Byron Bay, and craft from Coffs Harbour and CAIRNS! were used. Ok, Coffs I can get, but CARINS??!! Wouldn't Melbourne be closer? Sure, if it was me, I would want people looking for me (kinda) but it seems problematic that the need to bring equipment from CARINS to something that happened at Byron Bay.
  2. I must have missed something but I don't understand the last part.
  3. well, as much as I agree with you, I id a bit of digging - That's what dogs do. It would seem "they" (the ones who make the serieis) have decided to have the same episode in two different seasons. From the 'web. http://www.imdb.com/list/ls076920146/ 48. Air Crash Investigation (2003 TV Series) Episode: Blown Apart (????) On 8 September 1989, Partnair Flight 394 drove into the sea between Norway and Denmark, killing 55 people. (60 mins.) And yet when I look at this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mayday_episodes And scroll down to Season 14, an episode "Side swiped" which is the one I watched this morning is listed. And yet it was actually episode 48. yeah, ok. Nothing you can do. But if anyone else is passionate about the show, there are some serious problems somewhere in either what they claim to be showing and what IS showing, or they are doing repeats of older episodes with new titles.
  4. Ok, maybe it should not be here, but it is to do with accidents. Is anyone else a fan of the show? I am watching the "new" season. 14. This episode is called "silent killer". It is a new episode and so I was keen to watch it. It was about a charter flight from Norawy that crashed. As it goes on, I think to myself: Ive seen this! It is about the plane flying with the APU on over the ocean because one of the engines generator wasnt working. Looking at my dattabase there is an episode called "blown appart". This was from 2003. Am I just too strict on the episodes, or are they just re doing episodes? Oh, I think that this is going on with a few, as I do seem to remember stories from earlier.
  5. Shags, I was meaning YEARS ago for my trip in QLD. I didnt reject FF, I goofed in how to end it. As I was flying from "outback" into a training area, I thought I had to change frequency. As the plane didnt have two radios, I told them I was going to tbe local frequency and thanks for the FF. As far as I knew that was that and I didnt need to contact them when on the ground. Anyway, all said and done, no one "pinged" me for what I did. There are/were no known hard feelings. I learned something. The other one with MLB, well, as I said, I think they were a bit busy, and, hey, I may have been too low for radar contact.
  6. At one time I needed to land on a road multiple times, That doesn't make sense. At ONE time you needed to land on a road MULTIPLE times.... Hmmmmmmm. Irrespective if I have or not, I was meerly (?) pointing out the self evident problem in the original statement. If the situation dictates you need to land, and you - as PIC - have chosen the road, then you have to commit to it. If it is not a good option, then pick a better one. Don't quibble on about "I have and you haven't" and go on about the difficulty. YOU chose to land on the road. NOT ME! Learn from other people's mistakes. You won't live long enough to do them all yourself.
  7. I thought the music was ok. Good choice on the song too!
  8. Ok, maybe a bit too far off, but gee, it is better than that crash over in.......... Where a commercial jet crashed after a couple of aborted landings killing all on board.
  9. Hi. About FLIGHT FOLLOWING. I have used it twice. The first time I was flying back from a cross country in QLD and thought it would be worth trying. the weather wasn't anything special and I don't think I really needed it, but wanted to try it for the sake of learning. I had a transponder and Brissie gave me a number. As I was flying East and was approaching (well sort of) my destination area, and there were clouds in the way, I had to start avoiding them. As they were getting thicker the further east I looked, I had to circle back and descend before the clouds. As I was fairly new/low hours I was concentrating on FLYING and forgot to mention what I was doing before I heard BNE come on the air and ask if I was doing air work. No, I didn't panic, but realised what was going on and why I was being asked. I explained the situation with the clouds and how I was avoiding them. I got below the clouds and resumed the easterly heading. I then was approaching the edge of the training area and so informed BNE that I was entering the area and said I was changing frequencies and to "End flight following". I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but I am sure I didn't just BLINDLY change frequencies. Any way, I landed and all was ok. How ever the CFI mentioned that the lot next door heard BNE "looking for me" and they relayed that I had landed ok. I guess it was my mistake, but as far as I remember, I did tell them to end flight following. The second time I was flying back from...... somewhere (I forget the name of the airport, sorry.) South of Bathurst, North of Wagga. (No not Temora) It was crap weather and I was east bound (again) towards YWOL. MELB was not too busy and so I kindly asked for FF, where I was, and where I was going. MELB came back, no sorry, not now. Or something like that. Alas I didn't get FF. I didn't panic. I just kept flying, but was even more careful about where I went and the choices I made. I got back ok and no hard feelings. I guess at that time FF was not that well "rolled out" and/or they were a bit busy.
  10. Ok, I'll join in. Concerns: 1 - Low hour plane flying low. Not a good idea. I believe it is called TIGER COUNTRY. 2 - I agree with the others who are concerned with the fact the belt wasn't tightened at the onset of the problem. That is when the engine STARTED to sputter. It is a sign things are (Probably) going to get worse. 3 - After the engine "stopped" why could I still hear what I think to be the engine? There is something visible off the nose of the plane which remains in the same relative position as the plane moves, so it isn't scenery, and looks like a prop blade, yet I am sure I am still hearing the engine. When it stops, things get very quiet and all you should hear is wind noise - and sometimes a few 4 letter words from the pilot. 4 - Wind speed/direction. Huh?! As this plane is not punching holes in the sky, the pilot should have a pretty good idea what the wind is doing by the difference between the nose of the plane and the direction of flight. Cross winds make the nose point into the wind when the plane is flying a different direction. Head/Tail winds, although a bit more "tricky" aren't that difficult either. Head wind: You are not moving over the ground that fast. Tail wind: You are scooting over the ground (or as it is otherwise said: You are flying.) 5- Turns. 270 Degree!!! Woah! You are low (bad) and want to go to a place at your 3 or 9 o'clock. Let's make it 3 o'clock for this example. WHY would you turn 270 degrees (to the left)? You are already too low, so you turn towards where you want to go, NOT away from it. If you are too high, well, you are LUCKY. But you can't afford to lose too that much height when that low to the ground. Other things about other comments: "The road with a loop at the end which was to the right" Yeah, I saw that and thought it was a runway at first, then thought it could have been a road to a lake/pond/puddle. "Landing on roads is difficult EVEN WITH ENGINE RUNNING" Ok, let's think about this: Agreed, they are not the best place to land. They are often not level/flat, and do have a hump in the middle. That is to allow water to run off it when it rains, and maybe because the RMS couldn't be bothered flattening it. What ever. But I am slightly concerned that even with the engine running and someone finds it difficult to land there, maybe more practice is needed? Sure it is not exactly something you do often, and probably don't want to do often - the ROAD part - but landing on something which is not flat/smooth while having engine power AND finding it difficult is in itself problematic. Back to the video quickly in closing. I agree the person has taken on a mammoth thing posting the video and leaving themselves open to critics. Been there. Done that. He says that "things happen quickly and appologises for ..... something". It is an ULTRALIGHT! As I said earlier: You are not punching holes in the sky. You put all these comments on the video and remove them before I have time to read them, and yet you then jump forward in the video. As this is done in retrospect, I think it would be a lot better if you PAUSED the video at points and explained what is there and what you see as important, so when the person watching sees it, they are "on the same page" and you don't get all these "what if" posts. For instance, that road with a loop at the end / runway. Pause it and tell us what it is. Sure, at the time YOU probably didn't know. But now you have the time, SHARE the knowledge. Don't cut bits out. If someone doesn't want to watch it, let THEM skip it. Someone else may find it helpful, as it helps keep the time line so the person watching sees the time line unfold in front of them. And yes, ok, pausing it and putting things on the clip kind of goes against that, but at least it is PAUSED and the person can relate to it, rather than reading comments filling the screen and not having time to read them before they vanish. I'll stop digging my hole now, but dogs are inclined to like digging.
  11. Ok, I'm confused. How I read the post was fhe crew must carry the licence or "electronic copy" So what does that mean? Can you carry a COPY or not?
  12. Not for me. Only the other one of taking off through the trees.
  13. And not one picture had me in it. :( Yeah, it was a great turn out. I was there for 6 days. Wed to Mon.
  14. Sorry Phil. Bit sensitive just now. Bad situation gone worse just now for me.
  15. Yen, Alas as it is becoming more and more obvious to recently, what you think and what may be two different things. May I ask what you would call a green orange?
  16. Phil, I'm not getting into that. As stated on the show: facts have a half life. And they are only valid at that time and can be changed. I have very good experience on that first hand.
  17. Who's been watching QI then?
  18. Ok, the question stands: How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb? ? ? . ? ? . . . . . . . . ? ? ? . ? Answer: ONE! they are very efficient and not funny.
  19. Well, hey, I am just showing you the screen I see. This "craft" shows up nearly daily and when I hear a chopper and want to see who it is. I have "seen" a Cess a flying past with no ID. It was the plane on the screen, so that supports my suspicion, but I am not in the city so can not exactly look out the window and verify what is there.
  20. Oh and sorry for the spelling mistake in the title. It should have been CBD as I mentioned in the text. Just the stupid "auto correct" thought better.
  21. Oh and sorry for the spelling mistake in the title. It should have been CBD as I mentioned in the text. Just the stupid "auto correct" thought better.
  22. Folks, Every now and then I hear a helicopter flying past, so I load flight tracker 24. Seems care flight is the only one who is identified. Strange that air ambulance isn't, pol air, or most others. But now and then as it is going past, I see another "craft" buzzing around the CBD. It too is unidentified. Anyone have any thoughts on what it would be? See attached.
  23. Folks, Every now and then I hear a helicopter flying past, so I load flight tracker 24. Seems care flight is the only one who is identified. Strange that air ambulance isn't, pol air, or most others. But now and then as it is going past, I see another "craft" buzzing around the CBD. It too is unidentified. Anyone have any thoughts on what it would be? See attached.
  24. And....... There is no Y in Manana.
  25. It would seem there are people who are very fixed in what the see and hear. I am trying to look at the bigger picture and ask: WHY? and HOW? This happened. And what can be done to improve what is done for future times when things like this happen. Although unique and individual opinions and actions play a part, I am not looking to judge anyone. I am simply asking questions. As it has/is turning into a slanging match, I am now Un - subscribing from this thread.
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