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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. I agree Phil. 100%. But, as I said, it is more to do with LIFE{} than flying. And I can't stop myself doing just that: Dissecting thing into infinitly small details. It kinda sucks, and can get depressing very fast. Oh well. "That's life". But thanks all the same.
  2. Hey Phil. Thanks for the info. It is good reading. My REAL question was more to do with LIFE{} than flying. I asked here as I am more o fey with SOME of the terms so I can better express myself than in plane (no pun intended) lingo. I am going through a rough time/stage and am re-writing a lot of the "rules" and gee it is confusing/difficult when you are really working at the absolute bottom levels of the rules. I can't generalise with things as I am really REALLY re-writing from the ground up most of my rules. Someone else mentioned this - and I'll put it here - as to the foundation of behaviour: I have offered someone my assistance. If they need help: Take a step back, and look at it from a third person's perspective. Do what is needed and appropriate for the situation. Not more, not less. That is a good starting point. Of course, what is "appropriate" is - I guess - ambiguous, but I now have a base line. I guess a lot of what was taught to become a pilot is applicable: Act professionally. Take control. Be responsible. By taking control, that is to say take control of the situation, NOT the person. I am also stuck with the other side of the coin, as in when to ask for help/"declare an emergency"/"Pan Pan" situation. Because as bad as it can be "crying wolf" when flying, it is worse in LIFE{}.
  3. Yeah, I shall have to call that number then and ask. It was just I couldn't find it and had to look in an OLD ERSA to get the details and wasn't sure if the phone number was still valid. Thanks.
  4. Thanks. Don't know how I missed that. I like 13.4: Except when operating on preferred scenic routes, pilots are requested to maintain a minimum altitude of 2000 ft above the surface of the park. PREFERRED SCENIC ROUTES....... And are "we" allowed to fly those PREFERRED routes? Where are they listed?
  5. Asking here is probably not the best place to ask, but as I am more interested in aviation and there is a "process", it is a good place to start. This is also SLIGHTLY to do with that story recently on the news about that silly person who keeps ringing 000 on false reasons. Note: SLIGHTLY. The other post about ditching is interesting reading but I don't want to hijack that thread. So here is mine. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/someone-asked-about-ditching.55380/ Ok there are terms of EMERGENCY, IMMINENT DANGER and LIFE THREATENING and all these wonderful things, but I am either really stupid or am just not getting some parts. Although this is more AVIATION based, I am wanting to look at the bigger picture about handling emergencies in general. The subject has me interested. I guess the fist thing to do is to define what is an emergency. Because without that, everything else is airy fairy and built on not much. But I want to look on it from BOTH SIDES also. To request and offer assistance. If someone offers "SAR WATCH" - to call it - what are their "obligations"? Again: I know there needs to be a process for them to follow when they receive the call. And it would also depend on the level of cover the person offers and the other person needs if the two are compatible. I'd better stop here, as I am now confused myself in exactly what I am asking. I hope someone can offer suggestions/thoughts on what needs to be considered from both parties and how the "plans" are implemented.
  6. Mark, Hope you are ok. All the best dude. As people have said: It is good it happened now rather than "later" when it would be too late. Hang in there.
  7. Way back the ERSA showed these things. No I am &^*^ered if I can find any mention. From what I have been told it is basically: "Don't draw attention to yourself." I am wanting to do a scenic flight in/around the blue mountains/3 sisters/Katoomba area. I appreciate and don't want to annoy anyone, but there again, I don't want to do a "scenic flight" at 6,000 feet either. Anyone?
  8. When you get to the south end of the islands, go inland and fly down to Murwillumbah. Keep Coolie to the East of you. There shouldn't be any problems.
  9. So sorry, was it the plane's last flight or the pilot's? Just asking.
  10. Um, yes, but the time/cost/enjoyment ratio isn't exactly good. I am not going to spend 1.5 hours driving to the gong, then fly 6/7 hours, only to arrive about mid-day Sat and then have to do the same on Sunday with the only advantage I can leave a bit later than I had to on Saturday.
  11. Thanks folks. A bit the wiser.
  12. Help if you can: 7700 is used for distress. 7600 is used for comms failure. But it isn't defined beyond that. What do you send if you have a nasty situation AND comms failure?
  13. Alas it may not be that good for me. As I only have the SAT/SUN off work, it is a long way to go. It is a TEN HOUR drive at worst. Flying (including getting to the plane, packing etc) it wouldn't be much less. 1.5 hours to drive to the airport, .5 packing etc., YWOL - YPMQ, refuel/Lunch, YPMQ - Evan Head..... That's a long way for an overnight stay.
  14. (Ssssshhhh!!!!) One day when I have a lot of money - yeah: I wish! I shall do some research and get my instructor in the plane and I want to do a landing at YSSY too. And get the whole thing on video. That would be so.... "kewl"! I would probably have to go for a low traffic day/time. (cough cough) Hey, it is on the bucket list!
  15. Well, I hope to attend this year. Last year the drive nearly killed me - kinda. 10 hours. Yuck. Then the rain. Then the drive back. Luckily I staggered that over a few days. But this year I do hope to be flying.
  16. Ok, to clarify: You think you have lived to be 80 and know who you are, then along comes someone and blows it all to hell! An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight suit and leather jacket and ordered a cup of a coffee. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, Are you a real pilot? He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life flying planes, first Stearmans, then the early Grummans... flew a Wildcat and Corsair in WWII, and later in the Korean conflict, Banshees and Cougars. I've taught more than 260 people to fly and given rides to hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot, and you, what are you? She said, 'I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women. When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.' The two sat sipping in silence. A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot and asked: "are you a real pilot?" He replied, 'I always thought I was, but I just found out I'm a lesbian Originally from: [/url]http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/are-you-a-pilot.34662/#post-204131
  17. Yeah, that's a bit like the story I read in the "Funnies" about the old WWI pilot sitting at the bar. A woman walks near him and he asks her what he was. He tells her the story of how he is a pilot from the war. He then asks her what she is and she says she is a lesbian........ I won't repeat the story here. But I think I am a lesbian too. ;)
  18. Which begs the question: What a hindu?
  19. Incase you didn't know: I can't spell to save my life. If two words sound the same, until I am told/shown the difference, I spell them however I think it is. Though I have probably spelt it both ways here, that is a very different problem.
  20. So explain how/why there is a cervical bone in people's neck?
  21. You spelt them both the same there..... I have kind of only realised there are two words like that and yes, it can be a "foot in mouth" moment. But what are the two spellings? (How can men damage their cervics? (spelling?))
  22. Ok: My effort: Don't get me wrong though. I believe this is a great language. It is complicated and so to speak it you need BRAINS. Other languages are so simple, "anyone" can spell and say the words. English as a long and complicated history, and a long and complicated future. Choose - to select one of a group. Loose - basically not tight. Lose - the opposite of win. How they are pronounced..... Lose is more sounding like Choose than Loose. Go figure. Most - there is no more. Post - a pole of wood in the ground, or to send by mail. Cost - the value of something if you want to buy it. Coast - where the land meets the water. Toast - heat treated bread. Boast - to brag. I before E except after C: Ok, granted: Ceiling. Receipt. That is two words. But, modern society needs to understand the weight of the problems moving frieght down the roads because of the restrictions of height some bridges which restricts where the vehicles can go. Of course the scientists are working on better ways to help, but until now, there are no easy answers. That is 5 words and I think there are more but I just can't remember them just now.
  23. Well, from the concensus I can see, people know more about what happened than me. So with that knowledge I shall act.
  24. I am not going to dignify that - or this any more. I don't have time for people who belive the sun shines out of their ......
  25. suck it up I think is the saying. (Who said that I wonder?)
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