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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Ok, thanks. There was an "AirCrash Investigation" (Early one from memory) about a small plane flying somewhere in Europe (Norway maybe) and they were flying over water. The plane wasn't supposed to be allowed to do it, but the flight crew turned on the APU as a "third engine" - not exactly the claim, but for simplicity - alas halfway over the water the vibration from the APU destroyed the vertical stab' and the plane went down.
  2. Well, sorry, since it has kinda come up. I seem to remember that "in the early days" jets that flew over water - for any substantial distance had to have THREE engines. There was that accident with a two engine jet that flew over water and kept their APU running. Alas they crashed and burnt because something happened to the APU and it disintegrated, and took the rest of the plane with it. So as a result - like with the 707 - the 300 (being the first of their fleet) was a 4 engine to get around that. I'm not sure the full story with why 3 engine planes weren't as popular, but if airbus were going for WIDE BODY: Three engine may not have been enough. But - alas - I am wrong. But could/would you elaborate on that bit about the flying over water minimum requirement to the best of your understanding?
  3. His channel is pretty good. I've watched a few/lots of them.
  4. Ok. Thanks. I was wrong. As usual. 😉
  5. Yeah, well that was kind of a "rub" for me. I'm not sure in the age of Airbus. But "way back when" if you did over water flights you needed > 2 engines for redundancy. So being the time line for airbus was: 300 310 (and so on) 320 330 340 I would have thought the 300 was their early 4 engine job until the restrictions lifted.
  6. Thanks. I wonder why/how I got the theory/idea that the A300 had 4 engines. Oh well. Live and learn.
  7. Accident "videos" have come a long way from.... a long time ago. But would someone mind watching this? Airbus A300. Mentioned 43 seconds into the clip. Is it just me being anal but that's not an A300. They have 4 engines - yes? Ok, further digging by me says no. So which early airbus had 4 engines? (putting aside the 380) And the 340 I thought - now obviously wrongly - that the 300 (original one) had 4 engines.
  8. (And I thought I had the monopoly on bad jokes!)
  9. So - sorry - this is NOT the one in NZ where a duck got sucked into the engine just after take off?
  10. NOT HAVING A GO AT WHAT HAPPENED! But I have a question: (Well more than one sorry) (Oh, I don't know.... but here goes) Where was the plane going - originally? If it was Bankstown: I don't understand why he was so low. Ok, oops. He was flying to YSBK and before he reached the point where the glide slope WOULD get them to the field safely, the engine failed - Yes? The gear.... I thought the news said (And shame on me for believing them) the gear also didn't extend. But I guess in retrospect: The pilot kept them tucked up and the plane clean to maintain best glide. Someone?
  11. I believe the key word in that is WRONG.... Marty_D wasn't doing anything WRONG.
  12. I guess it is all part of the bigger picture. Be it you are a Cessna or another heavy.... It's all just factored in. (Which is good)
  13. Oh, come on... By now you should know the news reporters are not that smart. 😉
  14. Ok, maybe old, but funny.
  15. Hi folks. While surging the net, I saw this. Wow..... Very interesting.
  16. I live in Ashfield - W/NW of YSSY. About 07:15 a C-130 (Didn't really see it but high wing 4 prop job) skirts over my place. Looked and it was inbound from Richmond. Probably for the parades happening today. But gee was he low! I heard a plane - yeah, normal for where I am - but this was a prop one and it wasn't usual. I caught but a glimpse of it east bound. Normally planes are at 1000 I would guess when passing over here on take off. Landings aren't done here. Anyway... Bit of "excitement" for the day.
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  17. Sorry I don't have much more detail. I'm sure it will be somewhere on the bigger 'net. https://www.9news.com.au/national/man-arrested-after-truck-pursuit-queensland-to-moree-nsw/19811638-ea29-49aa-90b3-39465f091201
  18. Thanks Deamp747. Not quite what I was meaning. IBob... That's what I wasn't seeing. Thanks.
  19. (Sorry folks, but I am getting notifications every time someone posts here.) No big deal, but I was wanting to know how I *opt out* of the messages? Sorry if dumb question. But other forums if you are "subscribed" to a thread, there is an "opt out" option shown. I am not seeing that here.
  20. Strategy can compensate for lack of talent but talent never compensates for lack of strategy. Love it! Says it all I guess.
  21. Yeah, ok, I'm biting at the burley they are throwing out, but it seems so wrong. Female pilots, ground crews, etc. Then Virgin (Aus) is mentioned. Pilot Deborah Lawrie..... (Sorry if not spelt correctly.) "25 years after a landmark discrimination case to allow her to become Australia's first female commercial pilot" Errr..... Does the name Nancy Bird Walton mean anything here?
  22. Starting just south of Brissie, ending just south of Moree. The police were helped by a private helicopter pilot who tracked them and relayed the information to police. WELL DONE to the pilot.
  23. But there's no `C` word in there! Which is strange as that make is still called these days.
  24. Yes, but this was DEPARTING and the controller seemed to mess the two planes around with their vectors. (But what do I know?) 😉
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