Here's a hyperthetical for you.
The constraints are what are said. If something is not mentioned it probably isn't applicable.
Sure you can ask, but please avoid obvious questions which obviously won't change things.
(and read around the bad spelling. I can't spell)
And put aside the legal stuff. This is a thinking test - as is life.
What I am going to do is tell part of the story to a point. Then get suggestions on what to do.
Then, the next part of the story shall be told.
Single person in plane - the pilot - flying from A to B.
The plane is at a safe altitude. Way high enough. There are no collisions iminent.
Between A and B is a lot of tiger country. There are SOME strips. Mostly useable.
However many are "un-friendly" strips. Landing there would open a whole other can of worms and make things bad in other ways.
Other stips have mechanics but they are not reliable and basically shonks.
After take off and climb things are ok.
Alas some time into the trip, things start going wrong.
Landing is not needed NOW, but probably soon.
You have enough time to think.
The question now is picking a strip at which to land.
As they are all private strips, some are welcoming, some don't mind and some are just nasty.
Further more, the actual condition of the strips is not known.
Landing on them may be a one way trip.
Is it worth landing on an un-welcom strip with the problem where mechanical help will be needed and maybe get "screwed" by the shonky mechanic, or land at another strip, but face the possibility that the strip is not either long enough or may damage the plane making it a long delay to get it airworthy again?
How do you "determin" which to choose?