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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. have you seen the 70s movie Deliverance? sometimes its best to just take it like a man and move on... 1 - No. 2 - That doesn't make sense to me. "Just take it like a man and move on...." How is that applicable?
  2. Redair, This is normality for me. Well, not really. Normallity is worse.
  3. Ok, try #2: You are on an Ocean liner. No, not the Titanic. You are visiting foreign countries. There is an emergency, and the ship is sinking. You get into a lifeboat. As "luck" would have it you are the only person in the lifeboat. There are good supplies of food, etc. The boat has an engine - which works. Obviously you don't want to stay in/on the lifeboat until rescued. The sea is a bit rough and you are being thrown around too much to be comfortable. There are many islands nearby - all within range of the boat. The problem is: Some have friendly natives, some have not so friendly natives and some have out-right nasty natives. YOU DON'T KNOW WHICH IS WHICH though. Going to the wrong island would be very bad. Going to the not so bad ones would be not as bad, but you risk the possibilty of losing your food/supplies and therefore being unable to survive until rescued. Ofcourse the last option is the best where the natives are friendly. What would the process be which you use to determin where to go? Do I have to think up a third example?
  4. Here's a hyperthetical for you. The constraints are what are said. If something is not mentioned it probably isn't applicable. Sure you can ask, but please avoid obvious questions which obviously won't change things. (and read around the bad spelling. I can't spell) And put aside the legal stuff. This is a thinking test - as is life. What I am going to do is tell part of the story to a point. Then get suggestions on what to do. Then, the next part of the story shall be told. Single person in plane - the pilot - flying from A to B. The plane is at a safe altitude. Way high enough. There are no collisions iminent. Between A and B is a lot of tiger country. There are SOME strips. Mostly useable. However many are "un-friendly" strips. Landing there would open a whole other can of worms and make things bad in other ways. Other stips have mechanics but they are not reliable and basically shonks. After take off and climb things are ok. Alas some time into the trip, things start going wrong. Landing is not needed NOW, but probably soon. You have enough time to think. The question now is picking a strip at which to land. As they are all private strips, some are welcoming, some don't mind and some are just nasty. Further more, the actual condition of the strips is not known. Landing on them may be a one way trip. Is it worth landing on an un-welcom strip with the problem where mechanical help will be needed and maybe get "screwed" by the shonky mechanic, or land at another strip, but face the possibility that the strip is not either long enough or may damage the plane making it a long delay to get it airworthy again? How do you "determin" which to choose?
  5. This person wasn't one of the people who wrote that part in "Flying high"? Roger, over, under etc..... Very good.
  6. I could send you heaps. Alas you are at YBTH. I'm not. I've got probably about ...... 200+ of airstrips around Oz. How can I get them to you other than e-mail? (editing starts here) Site suggestion: Keep a list of the airport names down the left of the screen and instaed of horizontal piccies of the airport, maybe make them vertical. Easier scrolling.
  7. Heard similar. Yeah, good one.
  8. OK, highjacking it a bit, but since you are using the "I-Phone" platform now, here is something to look at: http://www.flixxy.com/ipad-2-review.htm Oh, but I too have an Android phone.
  9. Thanks. That is it. I'm happy again. And can stop wondering where it was. :)
  10. Wow! http://www.flixxy.com/worlds-smallest-jet-plane-bd5.htm
  11. Yeah. That is funny. I just would like to remember where I saw that piccie I mentioned.
  12. Folks, I think I saw somewhere here a funny photo. A guy (airforce/army) standing under a Herc wind reaching up to the prop. Under the pic is the capson: (spelling?) "I'll never complaing about having to swing a two bladed prop again." Or something like that. Was that here or somewhere else?
  13. Sorry, bad title, but I can't think of what else to put there. Q: How do you know there is a jet pilot in the room? A: He will tell you.
  14. Yeah. I was watching the commercial busses landig at Sydney and their landing lights were alternating left/right.
  15. Keith, agreed. I have someone offering me accommodation at the uni. He has already got the deposit on the room. So THAT side is ok. It is just the details of where the plane lands, and the return trip. I hear some have a fixed return date, others don't. I have stayed with a family and their rate was quite good, but it has been a LONG time and getting in touch with them may not be easy. While there, I may want a rental car too, just to look around other things while in Oshkosh. For the sake of maybe helping anyone else could we discuss the differences here? I see that one of the listed prices - all inclusive-ish - is about $3800 AU. Not bad I guess. But it doesn't stipulate where you land, only options of Oshkosh or Appleton. No dates of return flights or when you get there. (Ok, maybe I missed it.)
  16. Oh, just on something semi-related: I don't want to simply go there see the show and come home. I would like to do something after/before the show - depending on if the plane flys into Oshkosh or not. If it does, it would be AFTER the show. If it doesn't, it doesn't matter when. I was wondering what else I could do/see while there. Seattle, Cape Kennedy, LasVegas...... Plane grave yard?
  17. Ok, I've seen the "new" Planes which have flashing landing lights. Supposedly to scare the birds. Question: Is that another setting or is it a different "function" of the Landinglights switch? As in: Are there: Off, On, Flashing. Or is it just OFF, ON. But the ON is either (depending on the plane) ON or flashing.
  18. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but there seems to be MANY people offering trips to Oshkosh. Shop around.
  19. So, Ok, I'll ask here only to make a fool of myself: Could someone please post here the date/s of Oshkosh this year? And maybe a link to find out more about the Oshkosh explorer. Please.
  20. Could it also be that the government is stopping Telstra from competing, and if "they" did do a large network for people which is/was better than the Optus's, IInet's etc.... That then those would be allowed to use the network Telstra made? The government are screwing EVERYONE because they are stopping open competition on a level playing field and telling the players what they can and can't do. Which is annoying considering the government are supposed to be there for the greater good of the people, not THEMSELVES.
  21. Ok, skipping to the end of the posts.... The "problem" is that most of society are now expecting/demanding wireless phone/mobile coverage everywhere. Alas probably half of these twits are also complaining about these antennas being next to the school where THEIR kids go. Put them next to schools where our kids are NOT attending. The old NIMBY attitude.
  22. They aren't that expensive either.
  23. I would really like to go again. It has been so long. And with the dollar how it is, it would be terriffic. But don't want to make promises I can't keep.
  24. Would you (and your instructor) mind trying this: http://www.recreationalflying.com/downloads/showentry.php?e=7&catid=4 You will need EXCEL.
  25. Thanks. No, the account details were there and I pressed menu / refresh. It said the emails would show up soon. Alas that was as far as it went. In the memory section the phone said I had 7meg left on the phone. I un-installed a 5 meg app and... Suddenly things worked. I am really going to have to update to 2.2 so I can put the apps on the SD card.
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