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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. So I'm guessing the person in the tower is going to have a lot of questions to answer. Yes?
  2. So I am taking it that DOKR is close to the airport? As both were cleared to DOKR so they should have both flown the same path.
  3. I've seen a chicken in a thermal.... Oh, wait, sorry: It was an oven! And it was turning CCW. 😉 Sorry, now off topic: This is how birds go BOOM! Onetrack: WRT "the old ways" I once found/saw a thing on youtube about old analogue computers and gun sights. On a battle ship firing a gun. How they calculate angle from wind speed, ship's speed, direction and all that stuff. All done with MECHANICAL gears. 'twas amazing. Sorry I can't give a link. Ok, maybe this one. After a bit more digging, I think this was the one I saw:
  4. Facthunter, That is an interesting point. Though the others are also interesting. (To the first ones) Yeah, ok, the direction of their "spin" would depend if they wanted a high or low airspeed. Which maybe isn't of importance. It was just something that got into my head and I asked. Thanks all.
  5. Curious. "Down here" which way would birds be flying if they are in a thermal? CW or CCW? High-pressure spins CCW down here. So the birds would be going CW - yes?
  6. Interesting - looking at the picture - if they had ENGINE FAILURE ON TAKEOFF: The fan would stop spinning. So why are the props so bent? Ok, I'll accept windmilling, but gee they must have been turning at a great rate of knots to have them that bent.
  7. It is sort of sad that news has reduced itself to be fear/anger/bad news mongers. Now and then they do something "cheerful" but only to cleans our palette of all the crap they dish out.
  8. I was only poking the hornet's nest and being a bit sarcastic.
  9. And CH7 say it is a TWIN Engine one too! Then they had an "aviation specialist" blabbing on about "the size/length and width of the runways varies"..... Like that has anything to do with the price of eggs in China.
  10. Isn't that to do with airbus planes are only 1 piece? Where as Boeing are made of many pieces? 😉
  11. Oooh! Thanks. That will definitely give me some food for thought.
  12. That's the only ... bump. My vocabulary skills are not good. Is there a word which would convey that, or a more succinct way of saying that? (with me just using the word succinct) Sorry. Defect? Oh, sorry, that was from the line above that one. Barely operable?
  13. Yeah, ok, but I am not seeing how that relates to going from WORKING (fully) to THROW IT AWAY (Not worth fixing) But kinda cute/interesting.
  14. To be honest, I don't know. I'm just wanting to start building an understanding of the layers from good to bad for a machine/device. I get it that there are different terms used in different industries. But as I don't really understand the bigger placement myself, it makes it hard for me to say. Maybe if people could give me their lists with a qualifying industry/context/equipment at the top so I see the flavor of the list. Sorry if that doesn't answer your question. Alas it is the best I can do for now.
  15. Yeah, ok, sorry it is kinda off topic. I'm wanting a list of words to describe something going from 100% working to unable to be used/fixed. Not 100 levels, but also not 2. And all in the same discipline. Say 10 levels? eg: Working needing service working at reduced capacity failed / repairable failed / not repairable Ok, maybe not 10. I just chose that as a nominal value. But if you get what I mean. Thanks in advance.
  16. Seems I owe people a huge apology. FlightRadar does show GS and that is what I saw and somehow misread it as KIAS. (Need to go to spec savers) 😉 Again sorry to all.
  17. Yes, a while back I asked and it was kind of ....... not answered. To the best of my knowledge under 10,000 the top speed is 250 kts. Yeah, when you are inbound they may let you go over and this is - I believe - because you are falling/going/coming down and so there is little/less engine noise. When you are departing you are climbing and need thrust to climb and that equates to engine noise. Yes, modern engines are quieter, but the rule still is. So why is it that recently I have seen TWO "SUPERS" taking off in Sydney (34L) going up over 5-dock/Rhodes at 4-5000 and have an airspeed of 270? They were low for their position which also is why I looked at them. I don't want to get into an argument about what altitudes planes are at where.... I think it the term is GISS/JISS? General Information Size and Shape or Just Is Size and Shape. I know the usual track of planes over me. These WERE lower than normal and sounding different. Pulled out FlightRadar24. Found them. 4-5000 270kts. Someone? Not to get anyone in trouble, but does anyone here work at YSSY tower and mind joining in on what's going on with them? I'm not the cops or anything. Just curious.
  18. Try flushing the cache and reloading the page.
  19. Thanks Col. I'll study that and hope my total knowledge increases. Sorry, just I am a bit frazzled just now with other things and so can't give it 100% attention.
  20. That is so weird. My display is so different to yours. But maybe I am not looking at the same thing. Could you walk me through how you got to that page/screen? I'd post my screen shot, but I am still getting to terms with apple stuff.
  21. Thanks folks. Got some of it working now. Now I am curious on how to get the weather/winds input into the flight plan. Oh, arcing back to Flight Plans: Ok, so they are exportable to either Garmin format, or what ever..... I see that is done by/via DROP BOX. So I'm guessing I am going to have to set up an account with them too. Now, back to the weather: If I click one of the buttons down the bottom, I see weather patterns, and by clicking another button somewhere, I can get area forecasts. So - to me - the weather is available. Just not getting translated into the flight plan. What else am I missing?
  22. Thanks. Yeah, I wasn't helping myself and last night I discovered/worked out the finer details of how that button works.
  23. @Old Koreelah Could you elaborate on that? I see the icon/button you mean - I think. But all that is is the "start flight plan" button. Not a "The flight plan is now complete and I want to save it. Seems I will have to get a dropbox account to use some of the features.
  24. Stupid Apple, I can't remember which of the many passwords it is. The one you enter if/when you power it up from being turned off. IF IT HAS LETTERS IN IT, the keyboard is NOT PUT ON THE DISPLAY! But if it is ONLY NUMBERS, you get the keypad to enter the numbers. That is an hour and a half of my life I won't get back. Ozrunways isn't too bad. I'm just stuck with how to save the flightplans so I can make a "library" of them to use when I need.
  25. Ok, so another question has come to mind: The ipad I have has its own GPS. Do I need to also have internet connection WHILE flying? Another question: I worked out what the "CP" is/was I saw on my flight plan. But I am not clear where I set the altitudes for the legs I have. For instance: YSHL - YGLB - Braidwood OZBAO- YCOM. I'd include a screen shot, but there are other complications. I am seeing an "alert" for hills. One just before YGLB I've set the altitude for that leg at A085. The hill is saying 2,953. That is a long way from A085. What am I missing? Completely OFF TOPIC question on the tablet. I turn it on - from being OFF, not just standby. Lovely blurred background. You have to enter password. A text area to enter they password. And NO KEYBOARD. If I tap on the screen, nothing happens. No keyboard, nada. If I tap in the text box area, I get a popup "Scan text". The only way I can get the keyboard is to put the tablet to sleep and wake it up again. Seems a bit stupid. Again: What am I missing?
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