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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Ultralights, that is so cute. Do you have a higher res version of what is written on the label?
  2. A metric/imperial/WW shifting spanner......
  3. Ignition, Thanks. I leave the phone on 24/7. Too lazy to turn it off/on daily. Got an app to stop it ringing after a certain time and before a certain time. Though I didn't EXACTLY do what you said, while looking I took the battery out. This was for a fair time. Then put it back in. Presto, it now works. AARRGGHH!!
  4. When I bought the phone, I tried it just to be sure. The jack worked and I could play music and make calls with it. No SW updates, maybe a few apps installed and deleted. Now the headphones don't work. Tried in another phone and they work. Any ideas? I'm curious: Is the headphone jack like the older ones with mechanical switches in it so when you plug in the cord the existing speaker is disconnected, or is it done with software which "detects" the plugging in and turns off the internal speaker.....
  5. Yeah, tell me about it. Got up 03:30. Departed 04:40 to get there 14:00. Did but it is cancelled. Staying overnight up that way and returning in the next few days. :(
  6. Jayz, Congrats on the trip. It is fun doing the first nav. Just wait until you do your first SOLO nav. That is even more fun. It sounds like you have the idea of scoping out a new airport down pat. Some people get real worried and stuff up the circuit/approach. But it sounds like you have that under control. I just hope the weather holds out for you and you get a good flight to Tamworth and back.
  7. Hi folks. In car mode, I can upload routes to the GPS from the computer and then "inport" them to the GPS and use them. (Yeah, that sounds confusing and kind of is confusing but that is what you have to do.) But in aviation mode, I can't seem to work out how to do that. Also, just asking: My old 96C. I am sure it used to have plaves like "PAA" "BBG" "PSP" - that is Patonga, Brooklyn Bridge and Prospect in its database. Correct me if I am wrong. But the AREA doesn't. I learnt that the hard way on New Year's eve.
  8. From whom did you buy the GPS Papafox?
  9. Americans IMPROVING spelling? I Know I can't spell to save my life, but they have really made a mess of spelling - IMHO. I'll post a funny which shows this very clearly, once I can find it. Though it has probably been here before, sometimes it is nice to see them again.
  10. You could look around for an old 96C - like I used to have. They do road and air. They also have the aviation database in them. Dunno their price but I'd guess around the $500 now. The C is for COLOUR screen. I've seen the 96's. They are ok, but I think the colour helps. Up to you though.
  11. Well, this is the morning of the new year. That is my Jab parked in the fog. We were going to take off, but were worried that the fog may be everywhere and not burn off before we came back. To the right is the Nancy Bird Walton tower. (Slightly annoyed it isn't shown in the message.) Shall have to go away and read a bit more about "including photos" and what has changed.
  12. I like these, but I worry when you see things like this included in them and not edited out before they are sent on: The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it's safe to cross the street. . . . . She is a government employee in Adelaide P.O. "Stoplight" is not an Australian term - as far as I know. It is more a Yank term. Unless there is an Adelaide in America...... It loses a lot of the funnyness.
  13. Yeah, I suspected as much. Thanks though for the post. I am still recovering from the NYE / NYD flights.
  14. I'm stuck with the AERA 500 and routes. I shall annoy Garmin too, but for the sake of asking.
  15. (Dramatic music) Flying along listening to Sydney radar. New Year's day. About..... Ooooh, 1600 Sydney time. QF 41 doesn't want to go above FL 100. They are talking to Sydney Radar. "We seem to have a problem with the pressure. Talking to the engineers. Shall get back to you." Soon after QF 41 returns to Sydney. Runway 34 L. Anyone know more?
  16. Oh well, I don't think I can compete with the one of the plane turning and the internall/external view. That is just great. But..... here is my effort for the month.
  17. I hide my age well - or so I've been told.
  18. It is a DUSK flight on 31 and DAWN flight 1. I'd say get there about 16:00. And to all who are intersted and don't know where Luskintyre is: S32 39.962 E151 25.078 WSG84.
  19. Oy! Hang on! My birth isn't in there. Must of missed getting into the important stuff by a slim margin. ;)
  20. Ok, There is a NYE dusk flight being planned at Luskintyre. (JUST west of Maitland.) Also a New Year's Day flight the next morning - with Breakfast after the flight. I *MAY* see any questions posted - but they will have to be soon after time of posting. (14:45) When work is done, I am going home and may check the net again. No promises. Tomorrow I am leaving to fly there so won't be checking then.
  21. Thanks guys. All the best for the new year! Happy/safe flying.
  22. Folks, Could someone tell me the phone number for "royal newcastle aeroclub" at Maitland?
  23. I got mine Wednesday 29 Dec. It has a silouette of a plane with a red sunset. (yeah bad spelling - brain isn't up to it just yet)
  24. Well, Here is the thread. I am going. Driving alas. Departing Sydney Wenesday 5 Jan (evening/night) or Thursday 6 Jan (early morning) Returning ......10'th-ish. I would love to fly there, but after last year and getting home by the skin of my teeth, William town now restricted/active and having to use the corridore, and the forecast weather: I think driving is the safe option.
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