There were particulars I didn't know. I'm not whining at all. I'm reading all this, old threads and whatnot and I see a trend, which should be obvious to everyone, considering I am able to pick up on it. Tell me exactly where I "whine"? Come now.
Once again, show me exactly where I whine. From what has been happening in RA-Aus with its utter lack of competence, utter lack of transparency, and utter lack of willingness to communicate, it's only fair to compare that organisation as it is at present to other places, where incompetence, lack of transparency and unwillingness to communicate is how things are "done".
Perhaps unlike you, I prefer to do my research before committing. Especially something as big as this. I don't want to go blindly into a commitment, just because I "can't possible know what it's like unless I have paid for a membership".
I don't go into a plastic surgeon that has shown himself to be utterly incompetent and is on probation for dodgy work. To argue that I must be part of it before I can assess the competencies is as ridiculous as suggesting I need to be attempted to be excluded, before I can assess if it's bad or not when the CEO attempts to stop someone like Ian from renewing his membership (and thereby de facto stopping him from flying).
I don't complain. My posts on these matters have not been complaints. They have been my assessment of this farce. As for you having been a member for a year. Well, lucky you
It's not just this thread. Look at older threads too. Look at how RA-Aus is actually handling things (or not, as it were), look at how they're in effect under administration because of how they have been (mis-)managing the organisation.
Good for you. And with any luck, you might avoid being grounded because of their incompetence. But hey, you can fly at the moment, right?
Appparently I seem to have a better grasp of what is happening than you. Perhaps it's because I'm not entrenched, nor have any misplaced loyalty to an organisation who has shown themselves to be utterly incapable of managing themselves and their members.