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Everything posted by rossrynehart

  1. HI Jack03, Can you tell me the history of these units and the price you are asking please?
    1. Jack03


      I bought it in 2013 ago, I sold it for AU $ 1904
  2. So how do we PM you Jack03??
  3. Have a look at these - Kitfox S7 Super Sport You will find they have good STOL (but wont beat the Savannah), good cruise (100kts) and carrying capacity (me and wife, full fuel and 65kg luggage). And excellent factory and owner support group. Kitfox general discussion - TeamKitfox Forums I built one after owning a Mooney and have flown it all over Australia and landed in lots of off field locations. Love this type of flying more than the high and fast. Happy to show and demo if down our way (Mt Beauty, Vic).
  4. Fuel Additives from Aircraft Spruce My mistake again with the spelling of Decalin.
  5. HI Skippy Diesel, Yes, I agree - my mistake - I meant to say that I mix ordinary unleaded with Avgas when premium ( 95or 98) is not available. As for the Declin scavenger - I adopted that practice after flying the US where it is widely used with Avgas and rotax engines. I also change oil at 25 hrs irrespective. chers r
  6. I have regularly mixed Avgas with unleaded 95 and 98 on long cross country trips outback when 95 and 98is not available. You can look up the mixing rations on line to that are needed to maintain the RON recommended by Rotax. Its roughly 50/50. Also us Declin additive when using Avgas - scavengers the lead.
  7. Scott, My advice is to take yourself down to Idaho - not far for you - and arrange a visit with the Kitfox factory. Then follow up with a few lessons with Stick and Rudder Aviation who. use just Kitfox Aircarft. In fact, if you book a few lessons with S&R they will take you to the factory. You won't be sorry. kitfoxaircraft.com www.stick-rudder.com/
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