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Everything posted by Jabiru7252

  1. Great circuit and great video. Looking forward to my beer. (All first solos buy a beer, don't they?)
  2. There is code out there that runs on Matlab (an expensive scientific application us plebs cannot afford) that accurately models the airflow of various wing designs including things like winglets and vortex generators etc. Maybe I can get somebody to model the Jabiru winglets at work as Matlab is use extensively there. Then we can see if they do what we think they should be doing. The winglets on the plane in the previous post seem to me to be 'too little' to be of any practicle use.
  3. They make it easier to hang a big rag so your less likely to smash your face into the wing when walking around the hangar. Done that once or twice.
  4. My car was written off when an idiot pulled out from the kerb while doing a U turn in front of me. Idiot said he was broke and couldn't pay compensation, I said fine, I'll take your car (he was driving his wife's at the time). My lawyer said nope, can't take his car or tools as they are needed for his work, that's when I also heard you can't take the house. I got my 'compensation' after some 'persuasion' but boy oh boy what a drama. It pays to have thugs as friends.
  5. I understand there is some act or law where one cannot 'lose the family home' when being sued. Anybody know if that is the case?
  6. Yes, getting the battery in and out is a prick of a job, but you shouldn't have to cut chunks out of the holder. Just hold your tongue right and skin two knuckles and it'll go in.
  7. Probably lied about his health, given his age.
  8. war is only 'bad' when your side is losing.
  9. The closest I have come to this scenario is in a car and I hope it stays that way. At about 3:31 into the video it looks like he nearly lost it, 90° bank angle or very close.
  10. What does the compasss read when placed on the ground away from any hangars and aeroplanes. You need to establish if the problem is internal or external (to the compass) .
  11. one might wonder if this is real or not....
  12. At my age, if somebody tried to sue me, I'd tie them up with piano wire and toss them in a river then spend the rest of my days playing cards and watching Foxtel as a guest of her Majesty.
  13. Vineyards - lots of posts and wire.
  14. Wow! I have been accused of 'thrashing' the joystick to death but this guy runs rings around me.
  15. Never heard of Phidgets before but it looks good. The 'further problem' is the need to isolate the circuit when doing a read, but you know about that. I haven't tried it yet. Went for a blast this morning (Sunday) before the gliders got active, quite nice. My beer never lasts long enough to go flat!
  16. Why do the "Cheesemakers" get special attention? They mean all producers of dairy products, cheesmakers is just an expression...
  17. Okay, after a short break to do other things, I completed the prototype EGT monitor. Because the thermocouples are fed into differential amps, they cannot be electrically connected together as they would be when all attached to the aircraft engine. (We have the wrong type of thermocouple interface board?). The solution was to switch a thermocouple in, do a read, then move onto the next thermocouple using relays. This works well, each thermocouple sensing the temperature as expected (100°C in boiling water). There is a further problem, I wonder who can guess what it is. I shall work on that shortly...
  18. Our newspapers have become so trashy and amateurish it's a joke. And the spelling and grammar is pathetic. Let's hope our fellow pilot at Cobdogla comes out of this okay...
  19. The rotary switch was only to test a theory. If the error is small (millivolts or even several volts, who cares considering we will be looking at maybe 600°C and the error would be the same on all four probes. Thanks for your comments...
  20. Here's an idea (for those still listening). I could use four solid state relays to switch the input to each probe in turn and only need one of the MAX31855 channels. We know switching works because we did it with a ordinary hand cranked rotary switch.
  21. The 3 volts versus the 5 volts is a big thing, okay, please explain how it relates to the problem I posted. If I have it wrong, how come all works as well as it does? What is there in the code posted by Kyle that may fix the problem? I'm the learner here, not the teacher. If my posts offend, throw money on my roof, I hate that....
  22. Let's not digress; unless you think the 3 or 5 volt thing is causing the problem.
  23. here's the code.... /* EGT-monitor-v4 Version 4.0 This version extends version 3.0 by using all the theromcouple lines and no serial port. WORK IN PROGRESS!!! Kevin Thomas, 24 Jan 2016 */ #include <SPI.h> #include "Adafruit_MAX31855.h" #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // defines what pins on the MAX31855 board connect to what pins // on the Arduino board. int MAX_SO = 6; int MAX_CLK = 7; int MAX_CS0 = 8; int MAX_CS1 = 9; int MAX_CS2 = 10; int MAX_CS3 = 13; // create four instances of the MAX31855 board, one for each // thermocouple. Adafruit_MAX31855 maxboard0(MAX_CLK, MAX_CS0, MAX_SO); // on pin 8 Adafruit_MAX31855 maxboard1(MAX_CLK, MAX_CS1, MAX_SO); // on pin 9 Adafruit_MAX31855 maxboard2(MAX_CLK, MAX_CS2, MAX_SO); // on pin 10 Adafruit_MAX31855 maxboard3(MAX_CLK, MAX_CS3, MAX_SO); // on pin 13 // create an instance of the LCD display. LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2); void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(" EGT-monitor-v4"); delay(5000); lcd.clear(); } void loop() { int T1 = maxboard0.readCelsius(); int T2 = maxboard1.readCelsius(); int T3 = maxboard2.readCelsius(); int T4 = maxboard3.readCelsius(); // the lcd. (col/row format) lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("T1= "); lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print(T1); lcd.setCursor(9, 0); lcd.print("T2= "); lcd.setCursor(12,0); lcd.print(T2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("T3= "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(T3); lcd.setCursor(9, 1); lcd.print("T4= "); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(T4); delay(1000); } I don't have the hardware with me as I wrote the code for a fellow aviator.
  24. Okay, we have an Arduino reading four EGT probes via a four channel MAX31855 board. The temperature on each probe is being displayed as expected but when the probes are immersed in a saucepan of hot water, all four readings drop to zero but of any one probe is in the water it reads as expected (proving the water is not shorting out the probe). If the probe cables are touching those probes read zero. So, are YOU familiar with this and how did you fix the problem. I have a few ideas but would like YOURS first.
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