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Everything posted by Jabiru7252

  1. I have seen that plane go over on a few occasions. Nice looker. What a pity.
  2. I'm surprised the propeller didn't fail.
  3. Use a winch or pulley to pull the plane into the hangar?
  4. Is the wing on backwards? The photo makes it appear so.
  5. I wouldn't bet on it. You can have a degree in Physics or Mathematics and not be able to operate a video. It's true, I've seen it.
  6. I'd suggest your brakes need work because it's not a known gripe with the J160 or J170. I have heard the J230 could do with better brakes. I once had the brakes lock on (due to the silly design) after landing, a dreadful experience.
  7. I knew a guy who spent many years in Japan (from the 1950s onwards). He said the Japs got into the war because they saw the west as trying (forcing) the Asians to become westernized. They saw westerners as unrefined slobs.
  8. She has what one would call an "indomitable spirit". Reminds me of that guy with that horrible body wasting disease. Lost his legs before his teens, his arms by the time he was thirty. His body was gone when he hit fifty. As he approached sixty he was nothing but a head on a pillow. At sixty five all that was left was two eyeballs, but this guy kept on fighting, spreading hope and inspiration. At seventy he went blind. Shows how lucky we are. This story was told to me by a fellow at the Juliar Farr centre back in 1999. He was truly buggered but was as funny as fart in an elevator.
  9. What's an FOI?
  10. wow, things turn nasty so quickly....
  11. I think you focus too much on the fear. I went out in a Foxbat as a passenger on Sunday. Seemed quite rough to me. I asked the pilot what rating on a scale 1 to 10 was the turbulence and he said 4. I would have said 7. Just shows that it's very subjective and once you get used to it it becomes a non-issue.
  12. I know of a Jab and a Tecnam that had engine failures that never got a mention anywhere...
  13. There is a lot of info on this sort of stuff (irrational fears etc.) on the internet. Some crap, some very good. If you dwell on the bad memories instead of the good, you'll never get back in the air. The last few flights I have done have been in conditions that make me nervous but as I completed each flight I found it easier to do the next. I forced myself to concentrate on what I will do during the flight rather than thinking it's gonna be bumpy or rough. Once in the air it was not as bad as I thought and by concentrating on the flying - perfect circuits etc. I had less time to think about the actual rocking and rolling that might occur. And as usual, the video showed the turbulence to be quite minimal. Eventually I will do away with the blouse altogether.
  14. I'm thinking of getting an engine leak down tester. Anybody got suggestions? I don't want cheap junk, on ebay they range from around $50 to $300 or more. Thanks.
  15. Any missile designed to shoot down an aircraft would be either RADAR guided or (more likely) IR guided. And at a 1000 feet away it would be on you in the blink of an eye. If it missed but was close enough it would detonate its bomb. I think the story is typical media BS. The pilot saw a pelican through the bottom of his vodka glass and got spooked.
  16. And edit the title to say Yoke not Yolk. A yoke is cool because you can change hands easily (as with a stick between the knees) but a centre stick you can't. It's what you get used to. I like the centre stick in the Jab because it has the arm rest. I don't like the position of the throttle in the Foxbat but a mate who owns one says it's great. Again, it's what you get used to.
  17. Don't dwell on how rough it might be up there otherwise you won't go. When I get into the air, as soon as I stop crying I concentrate on the task at hand, that is, the navigation. (I use map and compass, not ipads etc.). By doing the 'real' pilot stuff you tend to forget about the bumps and wing rocking, that is, until you're back in the circuit where the crying starts again. Having said that, I do avoid hot days or windy days.
  18. Yep! If you're bouncing about in your sit, it's bumpy. That's what I look for in my videos rather than what the horizon is doing relative to the aircraft.
  19. Well, after reading this thread I feel less alone. I hate turbulence, especially when it's stopping you from updating your flight plan and making simple things like changing the radio frequency a challenge. I video every flight and its interesting to see that while a flight might seem as rough as guts the video shows that it was relatively smooth. I think that proves a lot of it is 'in your head'. I did force myself to fly hands off on a downwind leg in turbulence on a hot day and the plane never once turned upside down! Thrashing the stick about seems to make things worse. I miss the days when I'd be in the Tobago, 35°C and 30 knot gusty winds, never worried me twenty odd years ago.
  20. As we fly lighter aircraft we need to consider the conditions the plane can handle as much as we consider the conditions we as pilots can handle. I sure as hell don't fly my Jab in the conditions I used to fly the Tobago (hot strong gusty winds in 35°C temperatures).
  21. I spoke to the shuttle quite a few years ago, STS21 I think. It's a shame that such a cool hobby has become so ho-hum these days. Most folks would just say "why not Skype?". I still enjoy it though, catch you on 40 metres some time, Kevin VK5KKS.
  22. No, I disagree. I have flown many aircraft and the J170 is noted for its tendency to float. Fly a J160 then a J170 in the same configuration and same conditions and you'll understand. By the way, your spell checker is as bad as mine!
  23. I purchased a Jabiru J170 from the factory because it was within my price range and I like the endurance, double that of many similar planes. I believe that most problems are caused by owners dicking about with the engines. (Notice I said 'most problems'.) The Gawler flying club regularly gets 1000 hours out of their engines and those planes are flogged by students most days of the week. The fuselage is second to none, and very roomy. The only thing I do not like is the way the J170 floats down the runway on landing, doesn't settle real quick like the shorter wing J160. Anyway, that's my opinion, have fun...
  24. Looks like it's modelled on the Seabird Seeker.
  25. So would I. (choose a wheat field over trees). Your reply seems to suggest I'd prefer trees! A friends Savannah was destroyed when it crashed at low speed into a canola crop. Another friends Jabiru 230 has been flipped over, run into a hangar and suffered a few other assaults but being fibreglass was easily and safely repaired each time.
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