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Everything posted by daza

  1. Have a look around at what the Trikers are wearing, enclosed or not, attached headset or not... Lots of options, and certified for aviation use. eg http://www.icaro2000.com/Products/Helmets/UL-models/UL-models.htm Daza.
  2. Those two graphs don't seem to correlate? The top one shows about 35% more issues from Jabaru, but the second one shows twice as many?
  3. I can't claim any credit for that one, Found it searching for ideas.
  4. What about...
  5. The Silva is common in Trikes, mounted on top of the panel, or to the front strut.
  6. Since the mid 80's i've doodled a canard FSW swing wing fighter, Wings straight out at low speed, and swung forward between 45 - 60 Deg at Vne Even grew into swinging the canard backward in snyc. With modern composites the structure presents no real issue, Never worked out how to manage the changes to CG as the wing swings, especially allowing for tandem seating. Had pictured a Mazda rotory driven ducted fan in the rear fuse for the RAAus version! Daza
  7. But the ASIC is necessary for airport security, for example http://m.frasercoastchronicle.com.au/news/a-fuel-filching-job-on-a-plane-parked-at-hervey-ba/2228280/ to ensure no one can tamper with an aircraft securely parked inside the airfield. Darren.
  8. The manual for my Aircreation trike says different jets in the carbs if removing the silencer. But doesn't specify what jets to use. Darren.
  9. If we're not limiting ourselves to the RAA requirements, then surely what you need is a DHC-4A Caribou! Pro's - Enclosed cockpit - All metal - Fatigue life thoughly tested - Confirmed Not flimsy - GC limits and flight envelope limits well documented - Unlikely to overturn, and still easily escaped from - Stability and control harmonisation confirmed by numerous low hour pilots - Routinely operated from much worse than a croppie strip or a paddock - Nosewheel performance and propeller clearance throughly tested - "Wheelbarrowing" performed for fun, crosswind capability Sufficient Con's - Only one, Cost p.s. It could also serve as a trailer for the Blanik! Darren.
  10. http://www.paraglidingrainbow.com/ Jean Luc trains PPG.
  11. So where do you get plans to build these? Gotta love the media...
  12. Hi Bugsy, Unfortunately CASA don't allow "Joy flights" in microlights, But if you're looking for a TIF(Trial Introductory Flight) give Mark the CFI at Fraser Coast Microlights a call on 0401183914 Cheers, Daza
  13. That, or filmed as a "tape found in the attic" mockumentry, grainy shakey hand held 8mm footage... Daza.
  14. I reckon you need a new avatar now... Man, Machine, Sky... Nothing else, Daza.
  15. Great to hear! And on the bright side, you know your bird that much better now.
  16. Thanks Dazza!
  17. Some years back i was only a couple of hours away! I'm all out of Coopers, but the XXXX is cold! Daza.
  18. I've got a couple of hours up on a trike now, And it's starting to get addictive already! So I thought I'd better stop lurking and say hello. Daza.
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