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Everything posted by camo645

  1. Thanks for the info! I have heard varying reports from people about the 'syllabus' for the RPL conversion ranging from 5 hours to 15 hours and was just trying to work out what people were actually doing :-)
  2. Well Done Mate!! Just out of interest how many hours does it take to convert from RA-Aus - RPL? Cam
  3. Did a check flight today! No problemos at all.. just like riding a bike :)
  4. I haven't been up in a Jab in 6 months. Flew a Cessna a few weeks ago but hoping to do few circuits in a Jab this weekend :-) Cam
  5. I am quite interested in the RPL, Has anyone actually started the conversion process yet?
  6. Nice one Gibbo! Can't wait to get up there next year with you. Cam
  7. +1 for the Zulu 2's Myself and @@Compulsion both have the Zulu 2's and find they are just a great headset. Camo
  8. Hey Fella, Congrats on the First Nav!! Mine is scheduled for Saturday.. That's if the weather holds out! Cam
  9. Congrats!!! I know its been a long battle for you and i'm glad you have had the perseverance to stick at it!! Like compulsion said enjoy the flying now before rushing into your navs, its great just to consolidate your learning and 25nm is quite a distance! Camo
  10. WOOHOOO!! Nice one Ivan, Keep up the good work! Camo
  11. The Girlfriends Cousin!! He had been keen to go for a ride for a while, he really enjoyed it especially because the weather was just glorious! Cam
  12. Hey Guys! Another Week, Another thing off the checklist!! Passenger Endorsement = Complete!! Take First Pax Flying = Complete!! Now to find time to do navigation. Camo
  13. Damn it no more barrel rolls
  14. Hey Guys!! I'm the proud new owner of a GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition! I want to set this up in the cockpit and make some videos (like a Video Blog because im not really good at normal blogging! lol ) But i want to record sound from the intercom/headset has anyone used something like this ? http://shop.pilotcommunications.com.au/item.mibiznez?id=34 Also if anyone has tips or tricks for great video from the gopro I would love to hear it! Camo
  15. Thanks Dude!! When are you booked in for your test? Camo
  16. Thanks Gibbo, You are too kind! I can't wait to keep progressing! Cam
  17. Yes.. You read that correctly!! STAGE ONE OF MY FLYING TRAINING IS COMPLETE!! WOOOHOOOOO Today I did my Flight Test.. and Passed!! (if you haven't guessed by the amount of exclamation marks i'm using, im pretty excited!) Now to start on my Pax Endo and honing my skills! Camo
  18. Welcome Sabrina! And congratulations! Going solo is just an amazing feeling hey? Keep up the great work! Cam
  19. Hey Guys, Just a quick note to let you know I completed my first area solo on Saturday. Went up with my instructor and did a couple cross wind landings just to double check i remembered how to get the bird back on the gravel and then got told to take it for a spin out in the training area! It was really a big step in the process as you can actually see the finish line. It felt so good to be just cruising around at 4000ft being able to take it all in. I did take my camera with me but there was a bit of an issue... I left the SD card at home! Bummer ! after my little jaunt I came back and did a few circuits, 1.5 hours clocked up on Saturday with a total of 2.5 hours solo. Now just to finish off my Solo hours and Exams! Camo
  20. WOOOOHOOOO!! well done mate, bet you are stoked! Camo
  21. Know the feeling bro! 12 months ago I would have never dreamed I would be flying an aircraft on my own and thought the end goal was unachievable / un-affordable! I think there would be alot more people flying if they knew this path is both achieveable / affordable! On another note, I'm off to the Training area tomorrow for an orientation out there with my instructor! Maybe MY area solo might not be too far off! Keep up the posts ayavner, love hearing how its going. Camo
  22. I won't bother making a new thread but... SECOND SOLO = TICK And I must say that smile is still bolted onto my face! Saturday was a little challenging. I checked out the area report before I left and it was calling for winds at 35knts from the north. When I arrived there was a little wind but not enough to worry the Jab. The instructor and I headed off 31 for a couple circuits which were a tad bumpy but nothing we couldn't handle. Then... My Instructor got out! (seems to be making a Habbit of this ) The wind picked up a tad on my first circuit and it also decided to add a cross wind into the mix. bit of crabbing to get me down to the runway but I was happy with my landing. Reset the Trim, Flaps half and went to do it all again! This time when I got onto final it felt like I needed alot more power to keep it at the right angle of pitch, Next thing I know the wind is coming from the West.. Then it is coming from the East and then it was behind me!! At this point I decided to make it a fullstop landing. All in all it was a challenging morning but it was a good test of the skills. Even though it was a bit nerve racking I loved every minute of it! Can't wait to do it all again! Camo
  23. Well done dude!! Bet you were loving life just cruising about doing your thannggg! Keep up the good work, you will have your cert in no time at all Camo
  24. Got mine yesterday! Camo
  25. I also plan on leaving a trail of breadcrumbs as my back up source of navigation just incase i cut the string in a steep turn ;-) lol
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