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Everything posted by camo645

  1. Im excited for area solo. Gives you a little time to take it all in! Everything happens so quickly in the circuit, it goes too quick be nervous lol!
  2. Im guessing you are reffering to this Gibbo? I promise it was just an oil change!
  3. Thanks mate, Its just such a great feeling, im still over the moon! The second Solo might this coming Saturday!! Camo
  4. Hey Guys! So a couple weeks ago my instructor booked me in for my Solo... Last Saturday was that day! Well at first I thought he was joking when he told me he was getting out.. and then I thought he was completely bonkers FOR getting out! He wanted me, an inexperienced aviator with just shy of 10 hours in the hotseat to take this $80,000 magical contraption for a spin around the Airfeild with noone there beside me! Nah, In all seriousness it was one of the best feelings I have ever experienced: I taxied out to the active runway did all of my checks and then set to it. I must say the Plane has a different feeling when your the only one in it, the Engine takes on a different note and seems more spritely. Just like Ayavner said 700 feet before the end of the runway and boy did it like to climb! My first landing was spot on, it even earned a comment from my instructor over the radio "beautiful landing mate" All in all my first solo was a success and the flying bug has bitten me harder than ever, I cannot wait to get out and do it all again! PS: I'm Still Smiling! Cheers, Camo
  5. Congrats Ayavner!!
  6. Daryl took me on my TIF and was my first contact with the club, always ready for a chat and a laugh, such a great bloke. Rest in Peace mate.
  7. That's what I was told as well. Camo
  8. Hey Guys! So my most dreaded lesson happened on the weekend, it went something like this: Instructor : Alright Cam we are going to get you out into the training area and do some Stalls and Steep turns. Camo : *sheepishly laughs* really.. so soon?! At this point all I had heard was "stalls". Now I don't know what it is about flying an aircraft to the point where the wings aren't actually creating any lift that scares me. Maybe its the whole thing about tasting my breakfast twice, or the other thing about falling to a certain death ... Or so I had thought! So we got out to the Training Area after a rickety climb out on a (bloody) hot day! We did a nice easy 360 to make sure we weren't going to hit anyone. The instructor wanted me to practice picking up the wing in the case of a wing dropping, He would roll the aircraft to the left and I would mash the right rudder pedal, He would roll right I would stomp on the left. That gave me a great feel for how to 'pick up' the wing in case of a wing dropping during the stall. So after our little session on practising how not to enter a spin we tried a couple clean stalls. He Demo'd the first one and to my surprise it wasn't as terrorising as I had thought only 30 minutes before! Pull the power back and try to keep the desired altitude by applying more back pressure.. soon enough you have reached the point where the stall warning buzzer is sounding and just for fun you pull a little more!! what happened next really surprised me : The plane gently flopped over into a nose down position so we applied power and put the aircraft into a slight descent to pick up a bit of speed! And that was that.. 1 stall , 1 recovery and 1 aircraft that can be used again! On another note : I sat my Radio Exam on Saturday. I scored 90% , Done and Dusted! Now to move onto the Pre Solo Air Leg. Thanks for Reading guys! Camo
  9. Welcome! Im sure you will find the answers you are looking for, this forum is full of a lot of knowledge! Camo
  10. I guess my point wasn't really about the going out to town on the Turps side of things, it's more along the lines of priorities. People spend heaps of Moolah on things like Holidays, Smoking, Eating out, Cars, etc.. If flying is important to you,you will normally find a way to make it happen (within reason of course). With LSA being on the cheapest side of things here in AUS I believe the potential is huge! Camo
  11. I was talking to my mate the other day, Got him a TIF for his Bday and he realised that one lesson is basically the cost of a good night out on the town, plus you don't feel as bad afterwards (most of the time. lol) So its not really that outrageous for younger people to fly! Camo
  12. There are a few young ones out at Gawler (im not THAT old either! lol) A young lass yesterday said she would be able to fly solo before she can drive a car on her own! How Awesome is that!! As For Pricing : J170 - $110 Wet - $120 Wet W/ Instructor Bargain! Camo
  13. anyone else not able to comment on the page anymore? camo
  14. This sounds all too ridiculous to me, read there facebook thing and its just crap! People with too much time and not enough do...
  15. Great report Evan! Keep them coming!
  16. Ouch! not a nice sight to wake up to, i bet! Agree with Nev whole heartedly. Insurance can fix this bird but it can't bring back the lives lost and greater devastation caused. Such a shame for it to happen again! Cheers, Camo
  17. I've made my first Lesson for midday this coming Saturday with Karl! Annndd the Excitement starts again! haha
  18. I'll see you at Aviators Anonymous soon! ;) Camo
  19. Darrell was a great instructor, easy to get along with, loved a laugh and really made you feel confident about flying. I'm hoping I will get to meet you guys out there soon! How long does it normally take from me filling out my paper work to being able to start my training?
  20. YEEHAWWW!!!!! That was amazing. Darrell was my instructor today. We took off from Gawler at about 2pm Headed towards the Barossa. Darrell gave me control of the aircraft getting me to do some Turns, Climbing and Descending. Cruised around at about 3000ft for half an hour before landing. I Can't wipe the smile from my face. Here's a pic of my with 24-7693. Met some great people out there that just seemed to love aviation and a good laugh! I will be doing the paper work for RA-AUS ASAP!! Camo
  21. LOL! The night before and im getting really excited!!
  22. Only Two Scott! that's if I can sleep friday night. lol I feel like a kid before christmas! haha
  23. LOL! Now I know your real motive... and I'm surprisingly okay with it.
  24. That's good to hear! Better make sure I pay off the Credit Card before then hey? haha
  25. Scheduled for 2pm!
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