Hey Guys!
So a couple weeks ago my instructor booked me in for my Solo... Last Saturday was that day!
Well at first I thought he was joking when he told me he was getting out.. and then I thought he was completely bonkers FOR getting out!
He wanted me, an inexperienced aviator with just shy of 10 hours in the hotseat to take this $80,000 magical contraption for a spin around the Airfeild with noone there beside me!
Nah, In all seriousness it was one of the best feelings I have ever experienced:
I taxied out to the active runway did all of my checks and then set to it. I must say the Plane has a different feeling when your the only one in it, the Engine takes on a different note and seems more spritely. Just like Ayavner said 700 feet before the end of the runway and boy did it like to climb!
My first landing was spot on, it even earned a comment from my instructor over the radio "beautiful landing mate"
All in all my first solo was a success and the flying bug has bitten me harder than ever, I cannot wait to get out and do it all again!
PS: I'm Still Smiling!