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Everything posted by PA.

  1. If cops talked like Pilots.
  2. More on the SR-71, Colonel Jim Shelton.
  3. She should be pleased it is the year of the Dog, not the year of the Ox.
  4. I suggested to the wife about re-enacting the weekend when our first child was conceived. She said, "That would be great, I haven't been to see my sick out of town friend for ages."
  5. First image was on a friend's Facialbook page so I made the second in response.
  6. I have noticed a decay in driving standards.
  7. Phil's picture has been reversed, or maybe because we are looking at it from underneath? Google map link.
  8. Suffer in your jocks.
  9. It turns out you can't include the children inside checked luggage, who knew?
  10. Don't you mean Ununited Airlines?
  11. In all fairness Bex, a 1 m fence in China is equivalent to a 1.8 m fence in Australia.
  12. Thought he was flying a Cirrus.
  13. Sorry I couldn't make Muster in the Mallee.Don't worry, it had been my aim.
  14. Use an Air Zound for around $50. Caution, do not play video in a Doctor's waiting room or a Library.
  15. Anyone at RAA heard of the Internet? Online ballot, just block Russian IP addresses. Full results within 5 minutes of the polls close. Simples.
  16. The car build is almost complete.
  17. Or at any time in the month.
  18. If you were going to do this why wouldn't you hire a ferry pilot?
  19. We need to get these bad boys installed at airports. Another CNN News Video story on them here.
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