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Everything posted by PA.

  1. Typical, no ones gives a toss about South Australia.
  2. I notice the girl has a Triple X wax.
  3. Close call. From a friends Facebook page.
  4. I trust you won't be using an electronic device to record the take off, you wouldn't want to be responsible for causing the plane to crash.
  5. So said the choir boy.
  6. I asked a priest one day if it was ok to sleep with a woman who is not my wife, he said "Yes, as long as that is all you do."
  7. Yes very sad news. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-26/light-aircraft-crash-krondorf-barossa-valley/5551390
  8. Anyway she took it home and put the rectal thermometer in her back passage and recorded the temperatures. After a week she took her recordings back to the Doctor who was stunned by the numbers. She said for all the good those numbers were she may as well stuck it up her bum.
  9. No concrete plans about getting one of these.
  10. Three Irishmen walk into a bar
  11. Malaysian police investigation names MH370 pilot ‘prime suspect’ AN OFFICIAL police investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 has identified the captain as the prime suspect — if it is proven human intervention was involved. Captain Zaharie Shah became the focus of the special investigation in Malaysia after all other passengers were cleared of any suspicious motives, The Sunday Times reported. After conducting 170 interviews, investigators noted strange behaviour by the pilot. He had made no future plans - socially or professionally - and his home flight simulator was programmed with a flight path into the depths of the Southern Ocean before landing the plane on an island with a small runway. The drills were deleted from the computer but specialists were able to retrieve the files. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/malaysian-police-investigation-names-mh370-pilot-prime-suspect/story-fnizu68q-1226962811653
  12. Yes it was today.
  13. Nice morning buzzing around Murray Bridge.
  14. So, I was tickling my little sons feet when the wife wakes up and starts giving me a right earful... Something about . " Waiting until he is born"
  15. yoo meen teh read undilion dont meen awasom rightin im confoozed
  16. If you hate it when the wife wants to talk when your in the middle of having sex, try turning your phone to silent.
  17. I recently conducted a survey into which conditioner women preferred. 97% of women surveyed wanted to know how I got into their bathrooms.
  18. We have to talk about something while we wait for MH370 to surface. :)
  19. In the spirit of Pin the Tail on the Donkey we should use Google Maps to pick a point on the earth where each person thinks it might be and if or when it's found we could then see who is the closest. Maybe Ian could set it up like the Airstrips list page.
  20. I see we have all latched onto this theme.
  21. You could have Picketed the place.
  22. No wonder they crashed, they would never get that plane to fit between those trees. Glad they will be fine.
  23. Jeremy Clarkson Power 8000 or an Antonov AN-22
  24. If your wife ever asks you, "If I was to arrange a threesome for your birthday, which of my friends would you like me to ask?" Never give two names.
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