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Everything posted by PA.

  1. The voice of experience.
  2. I expect it is Cotton or someone killed a stuffed Panda.
  3. Thank goodness I had my sex change operation when I did.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj1QJNhfqJc
  5. That reminds me, anyone seen my car keys?
  6. Visitors from 27th to the 3rd.
  7. You can fly in and out anytime during daylight hours from 26th February to the 3rd March. Avalon East details link.
  8. I was chatting with 3 elderly gentleman recently and asked them the worst part of growing old. The 60 year old said he wakes up at 6 every morning and it takes him 30 minutes to have a pee. The 70 year old pipes up and says that's nothing I wake up at 5 every morning and it takes me an hour to clear his bowels. The 80 year old then says these young chaps have it easy. He said every morning at 6 he pisses like a horse then at 7 he sh... like a cow. The other guys wondered what was bad about that. He added he didn't wake up until 8!
  9. He was asked outside the court if he would ever go down on one knee again, he replied "I don't think so and you should call her Heather."
  10. It used to take 55 minutes to fly from Adelaide to Melbourne, now it takes 75 minutes. They have slowed down to save fuel so they can bury the boot and make up time.
  11. They need to add a cup holder.
  12. Not a plane but I did call our RV, Harvey and the Tom Tom GPS, Thomas.
  13. 17.1.1 4 Stroke Radial engines have an odd number of cylinders per bank. (You can have 2 banks of seven to give you 14.) 17.1.2 2 Stroke Radial engines can have any number of cylinders.
  14. 17.1 Round engines always have an odd number of pistons.
  15. A rich old guy turns up at the Seniors club with a very attractive 25 year old on his arm and announced to his mates this is his new fiance. When she takes a trip to the ladies room they asked him how he got such a beautiful young woman to marry a man of 70 years old. He told them he lied about his age, he told her he was 90.
  16. Hi all. Son in law has just got his license so I might look at getting mine. Did a lesson a couple of years ago but never did any further flying so might have to rethink that option. Peter
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