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Allan CH650CH750

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Everything posted by Allan CH650CH750

  1. Any where in Tassie is great
  2. See firewall drawings for 750 and 701
  3. You have asked the 64 dollar question When you work out the answer please let us know There are so many factors to take in account There not a single answer
  4. Pylon500 I think you have summed it up well RAAus may not allow maintenance if you are not the RV4 builder There appear lots of new rules in the new tech manual It maybe a watch this space Cheers
  5. We have done things, I too have done things but you have to be honest and talk about such thing so we all learn from them well done Cheers
  6. I understand there are revenue and expense problems My point of my post is the bull sh#% spin doctor talk from the HQ Be honest and truthful stop the sh#% That would be a good start Cheers
  7. They must be using a Canberra Calulater 12 into $ 90 equals $7.50 a copy, or are they going offer 18 issues for the price of 12 forever One thing the CEO and Board are good at, is Canberra BULL SH#% government spin talk. The truth is membership has gone up by 50 % if I want the same benefits as last year They are nailing more nails into the RAAus coffin everyday Honesty and the Truth Is what the members need and want NOT BULL SH#% FROM SPIN DOCTORS my 2 cents worth
  8. In simple terms the RA Aus has increased the membership by 50% if you want the same benefits or no increase in membership fees but no magazine. I predict that about 10% of members will read the mag on the net within 12 mths. We all know what has happened with the crash comic ( when is the last time you have read it) Due to the low readership, advertisers move to other places where the they get value for their dollar so the advertising revenue will fell In the end no one will win My 2 cents worth
  9. This event was change 4 months ago to the 23/2/2013 cheers Allan
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