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Everything posted by Davidg

  1. One of those news links say it was a THREE engine Cessna!! Bloody reporters.......they need a slap tp the side of the face ;-)
  2. Hey there. I remember be absolutely terrified at the thought of going out to do stalls for the first time (I was still scared of turbulence back then too). I wish my instructor had told me that a stall is a big fat nothing – not scary at all. But, my friend, have you done a wing drop stall yet?? They scare the hell out of me! You go from being nose high to UPSIDE DOWN pointing at the ground in the blink of an eye (at least this is what it is like in a C172)….I HATE doing those. I just hate the feeling of not having control for what is really only a few seconds. In my last BFR I remember my instructor whooping it up with his hands in the air like he was riding a roller coaster – cheeky bugger. Wing drop stalls was the only lesson that I ever had to repeat. The urge to try and pick the wing up with ailerons is so powerful because it just seems instinctual but if you do that you can make it worse! I have a BFR coming up soon and that is one of the things I will have to do and I will be nervous the whole time until we get it out of the way. Good luck with the rest of your lessons J
  3. You never forget your first solo!! The biggest thing I remember about mine was how different the plane felt with one less person in it.....and on short final thinking over and over "now don't stuff this up!"
  4. Yep...its a good one...I always just take a flick through before I fly to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I fly out of Gold Coast and have requested special VFR a couple of times....and have always had it approved except one time where I was just about to leave the CTA and forgot to think about special VFR not being available in G......so went another way.
  5. Clear of cloud and vis greater than 3000m. It is issued by ATC on request if available and therefore only available in controlled airspace. http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/pilots/download/vfr/vfrg-whole.pdf This is a very handy little book if you don't have it already.
  6. New to this forum and looking to interact with like minded pilots. I have my PPL and fly C172's out of YBCG at this point in time. Always looking for new routes to fly and places to go.
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